Google Android Now has 100,000 Apps

The Google [GOOG] Android market has hit another milestone by now having over 100,000 apps in the store.

It is still only 1/3 of the size of the Apple App store, but 100K apps is still an impressive amount that provides a lot of variety to users and a lot of options.

It isn’t known how long it will take to reach the next milestone of 200,000 apps, but what we do know is it will be a lot quicker than the first 100,000 apps.

Makes you wonder if they can catch the mighty Apple or if they will always be a little behind.

Via: Geeky Gadgets


  1. blogger533 says

    I thing android is soon going to lead the market …………..

  2. ahmed sameh says

    hi what about egypt?
    can i have an andriod based pad or smartphone and be able to buy apps and bownload them in egypt or not ?

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