iPhone QWERTY Concept

Another mock up of the iPhone has surfaced recently. This time it shows a phone with a slide-out QWERTY keyboard which is something that a number of people are asking for.

The keyboard also seems to be set up a little bit like a controller too with a dial on the left (analogue?) and action buttons to the right.

I do like the look of this design although I wouldn’t be convinced with the small keys of the keyboard. If I were designing it I’d fill the panel with the biggest keyboard I could squash on there.

Anyway, it is doubtful that Apple will follow the design on this image but it’s still cool to see what’s possible.

Via: UberGizmo


  1. DoubleEagleHotelAndCasino says

    looks pretty cool but i don’t…looks better without the qwerty keyboard.

  2. Shredder Blog says

    […]Gerüchteküche brodelt derzeit heftig und viele Gerüchte ranken sich um mindestens ein neues iPhone aus dem Hause Apple. Vor wenigen Tagen war zu lesen, dass Apple[…]

  3. this phone looks amazing! i was wondering where do i buy one from? the normal iphones just look plain boring,

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