AppAdvice have managed to connect to the Apple iPad apps feed that will let you browse through the applications that will be made available on launch day. So far there appears to be 1350 of the applications. You can browse through them over here.
The service shows a screen shot of the application along with a description and pricing along with availability dates.
It’s interesting have a scan through to see what will be launched on April 3 this Saturday when the Apple iPad [AAPL] finally launches.
The video below also shows App Advice flipping through about 700 apps if you don’t want to browse them yourself, or if Apple cut the feed off for some reason.
What we don’t know at the moment is actually how good any of the apps are. I am sure a handful are very good, although I do worry that the majority will get installed, used and forgotten about quickly. When purchasing an iPad app, make sure you do your reading first if it’s a paid for app rather than paying, downloading and being disappointed. Anyway, on to the video…
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