For some, the task of configuring a wireless router is just too much. This means that many stick to the older 802.11g speeds while the could be getting 802.11n. This cool little router allows you to easily upgrade your old router, retain the settings and browse securely for just $25. [Read more…]
Archives for January 2009
Boost your Wi-Fi Signal to 802.11n
iPhone CameraBag – Instant Photo Processing
CameraBag is an application that runs on the iPhone and allows you to make quick edits to your photos right on the iPhone. [Read more…]
Clickfree Automatic Backup Hard Drive
Backups of your data are essential these days because things do go wrong and you could loose data. No backup means you loose important stuff. Knowing that, most of us still do not bother with backups. Clickfree is a drive that automates this whole process for you. All you need to do is attach it to your PC or laptop and the backup software loads up automatically and your important files are backed up. [Read more…]
Blue LED Mesh Clock – TokyoFlash
As soon as you see the name TokyoFlash you probably think crazy watches… this time it’s a crazy clock that has been created although it’s not that crazy and looks very cool. The Blue LED Mesh Clock is the name of it… more after the jump. [Read more…]
Ferrari Traffic Assist Pro
Becker has extended it’s range of GPS devices by collaborating with Ferrari. The Traffic Assist Pro Z250 has a new 3D interface and a Ferrari user interface that uses a working tachometer. [Read more…]
Netbook with Optical Drive
Netbooks are becoming very popular. This is due to their smaller portable size that allow you to take it on the road and easily pack it away. Netbooks tend to be cut down versions of laptops in that they have a smaller screen, smaller keyboard and a lack of optical drive. The lack of optical drive helps cut down the weight and size a little. The Mouse Computer kind of turns this on it’s head though as it has a build in DVD burner! [Read more…]
Recycled Harddrive Clock
A bunch of random clocks can be found all over the web. We have written about a lot of them here at gadgetvenue. This latest is hacked together using an old harddrive. [Read more…]
Minoru 3D Webcam
3D is making a comeback in the world. With a bunch of 3D TVs becoming available there seems to be a push for adding that extra dimension to viewing a movie. This webcam follows along this vein and has become the worlds first 3D webcam to be made. [Read more…]
Shark Fin Ice Trays
These ice cube trays are fantastic because they are shaped just like sharks fins. [Read more…]
Multi-Touch runs on a Hacked Google Phone
A guy named Luke Hutchinson managed to get multi-touch features working on a G1 Google phone. Unfortunately the system is a little clunky although with it being just version 1 of the hack, that can be forgiven. [Read more…]
1474 Megapixel Photo – President Obamas Inaugural Address
This incredible photo was taken at the Inaugural Address that President Obama made a few days ago. In total it measures 1474 megapixels and allows you to zoom right in to see faces of the people viewing in some cases. [Read more…]
Build your own Internet Radio Rig
This little board is the Microchip Internet Radio Board. It allows you to create your own internet radio as it has MPEG codecs and an RJ45 connector on board. [Read more…]