Thanks to Cisco’s Umi telepresence, you will now be able to use this technology to utilise your existing HD TV set and broadband connection to gain…
“the most lifelike, natural video communication experience available to consumers today.”
Latest Gadgets, Tablets and Smartphones
Thanks to Cisco’s Umi telepresence, you will now be able to use this technology to utilise your existing HD TV set and broadband connection to gain…
“the most lifelike, natural video communication experience available to consumers today.”
The little Italian plumber (why he was Italian, I still haven’t the faintest idea) must be one of the most famous video game characters ever, if not, THE most.
I remember playing Super Mario Bros. for the first time on my Nintendo Game Boy in not so glorious black and white (actually rather different shades of green) when I was about 12 years old. Then when I finally had the cash (acquired from paper route money) I got my little hands on a Super NES and stuck in my copy of Super Mario All-Stars for the first time which contained the most quintessential games ever to grace any console, they being, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, and Super Mario Bros 3. It was FANTASTIC. [Read more…]
When Skype for Android was released a few days ago, US users, as well as a few others, lacked the ability to make 3G calls.
Thanks to some smart hackers, 3G Skype calling is now possible on a number of devices. To get it to work, you need to sideload a modified version of the application. [Read more…]
SimCity for iPad is finally incoming. The full game title is SimCity Deluxe and EA will be bringing the previous iPhone game to the iPad within the next month or so. [Read more…]
The next generation webOS device could include a 1GHz processor. This isn’t really interesting for those running the latest generation Android and other various smartphones as 1GHz has been around a while now.
However, those running a Palm Pre Plus and the likes, are currently stuck at 600Mhz which makes a 1GHz jump a nice step for those owners.
Not much is known about the next generation webOS based device. What we do know is that HP will of course make it, and it will run webOS 2.0 from what we understand. We have heard that it is code-named Palm Mansion. [Read more…]
The Sharp IS03 ASV display was only just announced in the last few days. An interesting bit of information reveals that it has a resolution that matches that of the iPhone 4 retina display. The resolution is 960 x 480 pixels. The iPhone 4 screen is slightly different in that it runs with IPS technology.
Engadget put up a side by side comparison to show what the screens look like whilst sat next to each other. No discernible difference was noticed from what they say with each screen being bright and crisp and viewable from various angles. [Read more…]
Next week, Sony will announce the details of its new Google TV. The event will be held in New York on October 12.
Rather than waiting till then, perhaps you might want to take a look at some of the details that have already leaked. Some details were found by Sony Insider that reveal we could be seeing several Google TVs which include a 24 inch, 32 inch, 40 inch and 46 inch variant. Model numbers will be the NSX-24GT1, NSX-32GT1, NSX-40GT1 and the NSX-46GT1. The numbering shows that the TVs are in the same range with perhaps only size being the only difference unless the 24 and perhaps 32 inch models do not get full HD at 1080p. [Read more…]
Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple [AAPL] is about to start manufacturing a CDMA variant of the iPhone 4 ready for a launch on the Verizon network early in 2011.
The CDMA chip is said to be built by Qualcomm and with it, it will allow the iPhone to be compatible with the different network in the US. [Read more…]
A document leaked shows a few more details about the Samsung Transform. The Transform is seen in the documentation sporting a four row QWERTY keyboard. The keyboard looks similar to what is being used in the Samsung Epic 4G.
The documents also reveal that the Transform will run a stock version of Android 2.2 rather than a modified UI such as TouchWiz. This of course could change when the device lands, but for now it appears that stock is the way forwards for the device. [Read more…]
The HTC Sense website is now active. The new service allows HTC smartphone users to connect up to the cloud to store data on. Information such as contacts, text messages and other details can all be copied over to the cloud so that if a problem happens, all of your data is kept safe.
As well as being able to connect up to the cloud to store date, HTC has made a few things available for download allowing you to customise your smartphone a little. [Read more…]
The Nokia N8 has a 12 megapixel camera sensor built in. This however, wont be the record for long it seems as Sony is trying to up the game a little by creating a 16.41 megapixel sensor. This is, from what we understand, the worlds largest capacity sensor available for a smartphone.
The sensor measures 1/2.8 inch and is a back-illuminated Exmor R type sensor with the model number of IMX081PQ.
It is capable at capturing video at 30 frames per second with a resolution of 1080p. Drop that down to 720p and you can get up to 60 frames per second. [Read more…]
An announcement by Facebook has been made regarding new surprising updates to it’s social network which, according to the developers, “gives more control over how they use their Facebook pages”.
For a while now facebookers have been crying out for changes to be made on how information and status updates are sent to groups and friends and wanting the ability to send messages to a just select group of people instead of everyone finding about your more embarrassing moments over the weekend. [Read more…]
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