From the creators of Heavenly Sword (which really showcased what the PS3 was capable of) the developers from Ninja Theory have brought us ‘Enslaved: Odyssey To The West.’ After playing only the demo so far, this game is already set to do very well in the charts over this last quarter. [Read more…]
Archives for October 2010
Enslaved: Odyssey To The West: Preview
Apple Paid $1.7M For 1 Acre of Land
Apple [AAPL] is reported to have paid 1.7 million USD for 1 acre of land adjacent to its datacentre. The land was purchased from the Fulbright family who seem to essentially have got a blank cheque to write…
“They told us to put a price on it and we did,” Kathy Fulbright said. The Fulbrights initially paid just $6,000 for the land over 34 years ago. Now they live in a 49-acre property with a 4,200-squre foot house and a jacuzzi in the master bathroom.
Glasses-Less 3D TV Still Just A Nice Idea
We posted a report not too long ago about the possibility of having 3D TV without the glasses by the end of the year, though our fears materialized just recently on finding reports of Toshiba’s risky venture into glasses-less 3D TV. [Read more…]
Barnes & Noble PubIt! Announced
Barnes & Noble has announced PubIt! PubIt! is a self-publishing portal that allows writers to get ebooks out to the world.
When using the system, user will upload content which will then be converted to the ePUB format by PubIt!. The ePUB format will then be compatible with a number of readers such as the Nook.
Once books are uploaded and converted to the correct format, they will then become available within 24 to 72 hours on the Barnes & Noble eBook store. [Read more…]
Gorilla Glass Used on Samsung Galaxy Tab
Corning has announced that its Gorilla Glass is being used for the new Samsung Galaxy Tab.
The Galaxy Tab is a 7 inch screen tablet that runs Android 2.2. With Gorilla Glass on the front, it protects the device. The glass its self is four times stronger and more durable than regular glass used in screens and therefore, can take a bit of a beating without damage (although we don’t recommend you try that any time soon). [Read more…]
Palm Mansion Rumoured – 800×480 with No QWERTY
Some rumors about a new smartphone from Palm circulated a week or so back. We now hear more rumors that a smarthphone will be coming from Palm. It is codenamed Mansion and will have an 800 x 480 screen and no physical QWERTY keyboard.
The information comes from Pre Central who managed to dig up some information about the new device. Instead, it will of course have a virtual keyboard which also lines up a little with some virtual keyboard code found in webOS 2.0 recently. [Read more…]
Skype for Android Now Available
Skype for Android is now available to download. The Skype download requires Android 2.1+ to function and is compatible with all devices (other than the Galaxy S that has a few bugs at the moment).
Android Skype works just like any other version in that you log in with your username and password, if you have one, and see all the contacts you already have. You can IM or call over Wi-Fi or 3G although for those in the US, calling is restricted to WiFi only at the moment. [Read more…]
iPhone ZX Spectrum Emulator
The ZX Spectrum launched back in the early 80s and with it, a number of games launched over the years that it was popular. Games included the likes of Chuckie Egg, Turbo Esprit amongst many other games.
An iPhone ZX Spectrum Emulator has been created that allows you to play (at the moment), six original and fully licensed games on the iPhone. Games included are listed below and form Volume 1. More volumes will follow that will bring even more classic games to the smartphone. [Read more…]
Sharp Android Phone Gets High Res DIsplay
For those over in Japan, you are about to get a new Android smartphone with the highest resolution of any Android device.
The new device will have an iPhone 4 res style screen that is capable of displaying 960 x 640 pixels. The screen uses IPS type displays that widens the viewing angle to 178 degrees.
Other features of the device include a 9.6 megapixel camera which is also an impressive detail in its self. [Read more…]
Official Google TV Page Uploaded
Google TV is launching soon and because of that, Google [GOOG] has now uploaded a new website all about the new TV service. Details of Google TV can now be found at
Over at that web address, you’ll find details of what is available on the TV such as what can be streamed and where from, what apps will run on your TV such as Napster, Twitter, Netflix and many others. Google Chome web browser also gets a mention. [Read more…]
Windows Phone 7 Press Event in NYC to Get Steve Ballmer Keynote
As well as launching Windows Phone 7 in London on October 11, NYC will also have an event the same day where the new smartphone OS will be launched.
This part isn’t new news as we already heard it earlier today. What we learn now though is that Steve Ballmer and Ralph de la Vega of AT&T will be attending the NYC meeting.
Steve Ballmer will be the keynote speaker that day and we’ll also hear a few things from Ralph de la Vega who will kick off the meeting starting at 9am. [Read more…]
LG Tablet Will Not Run Android 2.2
Recently, Google [GOOG] commented that Android 2.2 was not designed to be run on tablet devices. This hasn’t stopped the likes of Samsung releasing the Galaxy Tab amongst a few others.
What Google recommended was that manufacturers wait for a more suitable version of the operating system, which we believe is Android 3.0, codenamed Gingerbread. The new version has no release date just yet although it is expected early next year. [Read more…]