AP Olympic Games Camera Setup Detailed – Video

Associated Press has uploaded a video to Youtube (in 360p for some reason) showing some of the tech used behind the scenes at the Olympics to get pictures on to the screen.

The video details the cameras used under water as well as other motorised cameras along with some details on how they can get the images quickly to the screen. Several years ago the company had to send a swimmer down to the bottom of the pool to grab the memory card so that photos could be copied over. Now they can be streamed right over making the operation run a little more smoothly.

A lot of the equipment (if not all) appears to be from Canon with various cameras and lenses being used. A lot of the noise you hear will be the camera capturing images extremely quickly rather than the noise of the motors as some of the comments on Youtube suggest.

Take a look at the video above to see the cameras in action.


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