MacBook Air Gets Benchmarked

The guys over at MacWorld have been busy benchmarking the new range of MacBook Air laptops that Apple [AAPL] announced last week. The new models come with faster processors and SSD drives that help increase performance.

MacWorld tested the 11 inch 1.4GHz Core 2 Duo model with both the 64GB and 128GB SSD and also tested the 13 inch 1.86GHz models with the 128GB and 256GB SSDs inside. [Read more…]

Nook Color Announced by Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble has announced the Nook Color. The Nook Color is a 7 inch eBook Reader that has an IPS display inside with a resolution of 1024×600 pixels.

B&N have used what they call VividView for the screen which allows it to display 16 million colours. On top of the screen is a full lamination screen film that attempts to reduce glare from natural light as well as glare from behind the screen. [Read more…]

White iPhone 4 Release Date – Spring 2011

Apple [AAPL] has shifted the release date of the white iPhone 4 again. This time it is being pushed even further away to the Spring of 2011.

A spokesperson from Apple said…

“We’re sorry to disappoint customers waiting for the white iPhone yet again, but we’ve decided to delay its release until this spring.”

[Read more…]

White iPhone 4 Reservations Added to App Store App

Apple [AAPL] updated the App Store App today to version 1.1. The new update now allows you to reserve products for pickup in an Apple store.

Along with being able to reserve regular products, one surprise shows the ability to reserve a White iPhone 4 although you can’t actually reserve it just yet. This has led a few people in to thinking that Apple might finally be getting close to release it. [Read more…]

Google Instant Arriving on Android Devices

Google Instant is a service from Google that streams live search results as you type them out. It allows you to search a little quicker as you can see search phrases and results being built up and predicted as you type. When you see what you want you then don’t need to hit enter, rather you just click the link to go where you want to go.

The service at the moment is available to logged in users on the desktop although we now hear that users of Google Android smartphones are now starting to see this service while performing searches on their handset. [Read more…]

Windows Phone 7 Connector for Mac Moves to Beta

If you own a Mac and decided to buy a new Windows Phone 7 smartphone when they launched last week then you now have the ability to connect your smartphone to your Mac via the Windows Phone 7 Connector software.

Microsoft [MSFT] just released the software in a public Beta stage and it allows you to connect up easily to your Mac. [Read more…]

T-Mobile Tethering Launching November 3

T-Mobile in the US is about to launch an official tethering option for various smartphones on its network.

The service will open on November 3 although you’ll need to pay a monthly fee to use the service.

The details reveal that you need to have a 3G or HSPA+ device to use the service. You also need to purchase a second option of Unlimited Web at $19.95/month as well as pay another $14.99/month to use tethering and configure a wireless hotspot. [Read more…]

JooJoo 2 Landing in 2011

The JooJoo launched a few months ago in the first quarter of this year. Sales haven’t been as good as Fusion Garage expected although in Europe and Asia it is supposedly doing quite well.

On to the JooJoo 2. We now hear that a new model will be coming out sometime next year and will differ in that it will run a version of Google Android. The new tablet might come in a few different versions as the founder of Fusion Garage said they wanted multiple models out there, but also said that the original JooJoo would not be available when number 2 launches although it will be supported. [Read more…]

iOS 4.1 Bug Lets you Bypass Lock Screen

iOS 4.1 and 4.2 has a bug that allows you to bypass the lock screen of any iPhone and gain access to the phone features of the device. It works by hitting the emergency call button and dialing a random number. When you do that and hit call, you quickly switch off the phone and switch it back on. Once this is done, the calling section of the phone is available.

When you are in the calling section you can browse around contacts, recent calls, favorites etc… and can make calls to any number. What you cannot do is switch your phone off when in this menu. To do this, you need to make a call and then hang up and switch off and back on to get back to the regular lock screen. [Read more…]

Google Android Now has 100,000 Apps

The Google [GOOG] Android market has hit another milestone by now having over 100,000 apps in the store.

It is still only 1/3 of the size of the Apple App store, but 100K apps is still an impressive amount that provides a lot of variety to users and a lot of options. [Read more…]

Samsung Galaxy Tab to Cost $400 at Sprint (with contract)

Sprint will be subsidising the Samsung Galaxy Tab when it launches on November 14. The price will drop $200 down to $400 when signing up for a two year contract. The downside is that it will cost you $30/month for 2GB and unlimited text messages. To get 5GB of data you need to double the cost to $60/month.

We can’t say we are too excited for the launch of the Galaxy Tab as it’s price higher than we originally thought. The contracts are not too cheap either which is another reason to rethink a few things. [Read more…]

BlackBerry PlayBook SDK and Simulator Announced

RIM has announced the PlayBook simulator as well as the SDK for the new and yet to be released tablet.

The new PlayBook SDK was announced along side the Adobe Air 2.5 announcement from earlier today and confirms that Air 2.5 users will soon be able to integrate with the SDK to create apps for the device. [Read more…]