Samsung Epic 4G Teaser Site Goes Live

Sprint [S] has uploaded a teaser site showing off the Samsung Epic 4G that is launching soon.

The new Epic 4G is a dual-mode handset capable of working on either 3G or 4G networks. No new information is revealed on the Sprint site although it does show a teaser video of the camera being used although it isn’t a real life example. Other “coming soon” videos include gaming and movie watching. The mini site teaser page can be found here. [Read more…]

Samsung Android Tablet to be Announced August 11 – Rumour

Samsung could be unveiling the Samsung Galaxy Tab Android OS tablet device in just a couple of weeks time. We hear from Electronista that the release date might be August 11, or should I say the unveiling of it.

The new Samsung Galaxy Tablet will run Android when it is launched. An invitation has been sent out to numerous news sites indicating that three new products will be revealed. [Read more…]

BlackPad from RIM Could Launch in November

RIM is believe to be launching a tablet device called the BlackPad. This rumour was recently strengthened by RIM purchasing the domain name which further increased rumours about the device.

We now hear that RIM will be launching the BlackPad in November. This comes from Bloomberg who cited two people close to RIM. [Read more…]

LG Wink Series Touchphone Announced

LG has announced the LG Wink Series aimed at the younger end of phone users. The new phone series is designed for those who want a phone that looks stylish and has good connectivity.

The Wink Series is a group of three full-touch screen handsets which include the Wink, Wink Style and Wink 3G. Each device lets users text, listen to music, connect up to social networks and customise a friendly user interface to allow each user to customise exactly how it is. [Read more…]

HTC Desire Android 2.2 Update Now Live

Over the weekend the HTC Desire Android 2.2 update started rolling out as planned. The new Froyo update brings the new features of Android 2.2 to an already good smartphone.

Smartphones that have received the latest update are reported to run faster than when runningprevious Android versions. Another feature now allows the camera to capture video in HD at 720p allowing for more crystal clear images to be captured. [Read more…]

Kindle 3 Gets a Microphone

The third generation Kindle is launching this month. Amazon has already sold out of the first batch of Amazon Kindle pre-orders with the second batch expected to be landing on September 4 a week or so after the initial launch.

A few new features of the Amazon Kindle include a far better eInk screen with more contrast. Also the device is thinner, lighter and overall had a boost in performance. We now hear that Amazon is including a microphone in the new Kindle although from what we understand the firmware doesn’t make use of it just yet. Slashgear suggest that it might be used in the future for voice control. We are not 100% convinced of voice control just yet, but perhaps it will be a way for readers to save voice memos or perhaps keep notes on books by voice. [Read more…]

Slim Cool Plus Keyboard is Germ Free

If you don’t like the idea of germs living under the keys on a computer keyboard then the Slim Cool Plus Keyboard could be just what you need.

From what the company say, the keyboard has a completely sealed surface that prevents germs and other bacteria from living on the keyboard. As well as being sealed, the keyboard is also waterproof allowing you to easily scrub it down if needed. [Read more…]

New Amazon Kindle 6 Inch (Wi-Fi and 3G) Sold Out

The new Amazon Kindle only just went up for pre-order at Amazon late last week, but already the first batch of the eBook reader are sold out.

When looking to pre-order an Amazon Kindle Wi-fi or 3G model in the US, users are presented with the following message…

Temporarily Sold Out. Order now to reserve your place in line
Due to strong customer demand, Kindle is temporarily sold out. Order now to reserve your place in line. Orders are prioritized on a first come, first served basis. Orders placed today are expected to ship on or before September 4th.

[Read more…]

iPhone Jailbreak Matrix

When jailbreaking an iPhone there’s quite a lot to take in to consideration such as which iPhone you have, what baseband it runs, what OS it currently runs, what boot loader it has etc… When you figure out exactly what model of phone you have along with the other information you then need to match it up to the right jailbreak and unlock to make sure it works as needed.

The Jailbreakmatrix website helps make things a lot easier by showing all versions of the iPhone along with various boot loaders and basebands to let you know what you need to do to jailbreak and unlock it. [Read more…]

Windows Phone 7 Release Date – October EU, November US – Rumour

We first saw Windows Phone 7 a number of months back. Up till now we have been guessing at the Windows Phone 7 launch date in that we have heard it is sometime between now and Christmas.

The latest hint is possibly the strongest suggestion so far in that we now hear the European launch will be held in October while the US launch will be in November.

The information comes from Microsoft COO Kevin Turner who was at a presentation recently. [Read more…]

iPhone 4 Jailbreak Out Now, iPhone 4 Unlock to Follow Shortly

We mentioned earlier today that a new iPhone 4 jailbreak was now available. The browser based jailbreak is able to jailbreak any iPhone up to iOS 4.0.1.

We are now hearing that an iPhone 4 unlock is incoming and that it will arrive soon, as in a couple of days time. The information comes from a tweet that said the unlock is in a private beta at the moment and will follow within 48 hours of the jailbreak (which has been launched).

It isn’t clear if users will be able to upgrade to iOS 4.1 in a few weeks time when that launches, but we assume that a jailbreak and unlock for 4.1 will also be in the works as soon as the final version is released. [Read more…]

70 Gigapixel Photo of Budapest Equipment

Last week we wrote about a 70 gigapixel image of Budapest that was captured and processed in to the largest image in the world. The photo was made up of 20,000 images individually captured and stitched together with software to provide an amazing view of Budapest that can be zoomed right in to.

The equipment used to capture the image included two 25 megapixel Sony A900 cameras that each had a 400mm Minolta lens attached along with 1.4 X teleconverters. [Read more…]