Motorola DROID 2 Preparing for an August 23 Launch

More leaked shots of the Motorola DROID 2 have been spotted. The new pictures come from a packaging facility and show what look to be a number of images being printed for the packaging.

The rumoured launch date of August 23 is still believed to be correct at the moment although Engadget hope that this moves closer due to all the leaks that are coming out over the last few weeks.

New features on the DROID 2 include an improved keyboard, an 8GB microSD card, and from what we understand, more memory on board. [Read more…]

iPhone 4 FaceTime Used in the Pacific Ocean

We have previously seen the iPhone 4 FaceTime feature used when flying in a plane. The next video shows FaceTime being used from a boat 1000 miles away from any land in the Pacific Ocean.

The video call was made to Santa Cruz and uses a satellite connection that is commonly found on those who sail across the sea. The results are quite amazing when looking at the quality of the video stream and hearing the voice quality.

The sound does drop out slightly a few times but that could be related to it being hands free and surrounding noises muting the sound a little. [Read more…]

Amazon Kindle eBooks Sell More than Hardcover Books

Recent figures reveal that the Amazon Kindle eBooks are selling very well. The numbers reveal that for every 100 hardcover books sold, there are 143 Kindle eBooks sold. This is for Kindle books sold in the last 3 months.

Amazon also point out that this number is going to increase significantly. When comparing the first half of 2010 to 2009, the have been three times more Kindle books sold this year which is an impressive number. [Read more…]

Nokia Kinetic Concept

We see quite a few cellphone concepts on our travels around the internet. Some are worthy of a mention such as the Nokia Kinetic concept that was designed by Jeremy Innes-Hopkins.

The phone it’s self is unique in that it has a rounded base that houses an electromagnet that can make the phone stand up when an alarm goes off or a call is received. To cancel the alarm you can just tap it back down.

When the phone is automatically standing up, it can also be used to make hands free video calls if needed. [Read more…]

Apple iBooks for iPad and iPhone Updated

As well as introducing a new version of iTunes last night, Apple [AAPL] also pushed out a new version of iBooks for the iPad and iPhone. The new version is iBooks 1.1.1 and brings several new features to the eBook reader.

The new features include the following…

* Double-tap an image within a book to view it in greater detail.
* Experience books that include audio and video.
* Enjoy substantial performance improvements when reading PDFs.
* Look-up definitions to English words inside books without a specified language.
* Addresses an issue that may have caused some book downloads to not complete.
* Includes many stability and performance improvements. [Read more…]

Apple iTunes 9.2.1 Update Arrives

Apple [AAPL] has made a new iTunes update available for download. The new version is iTunes 9.2.1 that fixes a few important bugs. The list includes the following…

* Addresses minor issues with dragging and dropping items
* Addresses a performance issue when first syncing to some devices with iTunes 9.2
* Addresses an issue upgrading to iOS 4 on an iPhone or iPod touch with encrypted back-ups
* Addresses other issues that improve stability and performance [Read more…]

Motorola DROID X Screen Issues Seen on Some Phones

Some users (a small amount) have reported problems with the DROID X smartphone that launched recently. The problems revolve around the screen that in a few cases shows flickering and problems with dead pixels on the lower section of the screen. Videos below show the types of screen issues some users are facing.

It doesn’t look to be a widespread problem at the moment as only a few reports have come in of this behaviour.

Some users on forums have indicated that they already have had their DROID X replaced. If you are getting the problems described here then it would be wise to take it back for a return. You’d be kind of crazy not to as it makes the screen almost impossible to use. [Read more…]

HTC Desire runs Android 2.2 Unofficially with Unrevoked 3

You can now get Android 2.2 FroYo for your HTC Desire although it’s not officially launched just yet.

The new software has been uploaded and has been made available to those who want to go the less official route and use unofficial roms on their smartphone.

“unrevoked3 is a tool to flash a custom recovery image to your Android phone,” explains the site where you can get the all-powerful application. “A custom recovery image allows you to perform advanced tasks on the system partition, such as flashing custom ROMs and taking a full backup of your phone (a ‘nandroid backup).”

[Read more…]

Motorola Milestone XT720 Now in the UK

The Motorola Milestone XT720 is now available to buy in the UK. Right now, it isn’t available at any carriers but has been made available unlocked at Clove with a price tag of £381.88.

The handset is also known as the MOTOROI and runs the Google Android operating system. The smartphone has a 3.7 inch WVGA screen that has capacitive touch. It has a HDMI out put port, 720p HD video recording, 512MB of RAM and 512MB of ROM. For connectivity it has HSPA and WiFi. The battery has a capacity of 1390mAh.

The smartphone is an alternative to the Samsung Galaxy S and if you prefer a similar phone but with a physical keyboard, we hear the Motorola DROID 2 (Milestone 2) will be launching in the next few weeks. [Read more…]

ASUS UL20FT Laptop Available for Pre-Order – August Shipping Date

ASUS is launching the ASUS UL20FT Laptop in the next few weeks. The new laptop is available for pre-order now and will be launched in August which is just a few weeks away.

The ASUS UL20FT has a 12.1 inch screen. The laptop is thin and light and runs an Intel Core i3 processor with the option of a Celeron U3400 if desired.

When launched, the new laptop in basic form will cost $579 and the official date has been touted as August 6 in the US.

The 12.1 inch screen has a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels and is glossy. Inside is an Intel HD graphics chip. The Core i3 is the 330UM model that is clocked at 1.2GHz. Memory wise, it has 2GB of DDR2 RAM and for storage a 250GB hard drive.

A 0.3 megapixel webcam is included as well as a HDMI output for connecting up to a HDTV. The battery has 6 cells with a total capacity of 4,400mAh. When launched, it will come with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit installed.

Via: Netbook News

Microsoft Xbox 360 UK Shortages

Microsoft [MSFT] only just launched the new Xbox 360 slim here in the UK and already stores are reporting that they have shortages of the games console.

Retailers are indicating that it could take a week or two to replenish stock leaving a number of people without the new console for the next week or so. It isn’t clear if all locations have sold out or if very limited stocks are available. Either way, if you want to get hold of one, it’s best to make a few calls around local stores so you can try track one down that way. [Read more…]

iPhone 4 Antenn-Aid

Apple [AAPL] confirmed they would be giving iPhone 4 users free cases to prevent signal drop caused by holding the phone in the bottom left corner.

A company has quickly stepped up to offer antenn-aid. The new band-aids are used to stick on the bottom corner of your iPhone 4 and cover the gap where “x-marks the spot”. [Read more…]