Nokia N900 Runs Linux

nokia-n900-linuxNokia have revealed details of their latest phone. It is called the Nokia N900 and rather than the traditional Symbian OS that they always run they have made a smart move and installed Linux on to this one. By switching to something decent like Nokia, they now have come up with a worthy contender to other smartphones.

The phone runs the Mameo version of Linux and due to this it can offer a closer to desktop type operating system that’s easier to work, more compatible with daily used applications and a good all-rounder. [Read more…]

XM SkyDock iPhone Satellite Radio Receiver

skydockIf you prefer more than listening to just song from iTunes on your iPhone then this device could work for you. It is called the XM SkyDock and what this gadget does is allow you to receive satellite radio by converting your phone in to a Sirius XM radio tuner.

The SkyDock is a dock that you connect your iPhone to. Once connected you load up an iPhone app that gives you full access to the Sirius XM lineup. Previous apps omit several key stations. [Read more…]

DIY: Mobile Phone Custom Macro Lens

dvd_macrolensIt’s widely known that mobile phone cameras aren’t that great at taking pictures in anything but standard conditions with a still subject. A Flickr user named cnflikt decided to create his own macro lens to his phone to capture some decent close-up shots.

To create the DIY macro lens cnflikt used a focusing lens from an old DVD player and then mounted the said lens to a cardboard cut-out. Once created the lens was attached to a Sony Ericsson K800i and then was ready for testing. [Read more…]

BlackBerry Storm 2

BlackBerry-Storm-2-SurePress-touchscreen-with-peizo-electric-techThe BlackBerry Storm 2 was revealed a few days ago. The new version of the Storm has a more user-friendly screen technology called SurePress that uses piezo-electric displays that can detect different amounts of pressure pushing down on the screen rather than if there is a touch or not like traditional touchscreen phones.

As the Storm 2’s screen provides feedback with touch being measured it should allow for easier usage of an on-screen keyboard. [Read more…]

Official Apple iPhone 3G Unlock

official_iphone_3g_unlockMost iPhone users will be aware that there are a number of unofficial ways to unlock an iPhone 3G. However, I was surprised to hear that an official way is now available.

The unlock mentioned above was used by a user over in Finland who was on the Sonera network. When the 3G S was launched uses could buy out their old contact, thus finishing the 24 month term early. This entitles those users to get a free unlock courtesy of Apple. [Read more…]

HTC Click Demo – Android Donut in the Wild

htc_click_leaked_videoThe HTC Click is an entry level android based smartphone that should be arriving next month. The Click will run Donut which is the latest update of Android.

A video of the HTC Click being used has leaked on to the web and shows the Click Vs the Magic and the differences between them. [Read more…]

Nuts and Bolts iPhone Stand

nuts-and-bolts-iPhone-dockA number of custom iPhone docks have been created over the last year. The next one is the Nuts and Bolts dock. It is literally built from a bunch of nuts and large bolt through the middle.

The connector is attached to a piece of perspex that holds the iPhone in place. More pictures showing how it looks can be found after the jump. [Read more…]

Garmin Asus Nuvifone’s Going to AT&T

M20-G60Garmin-Asus have confirmed that the M20 and G60 are finally being launched in the US and will be sold on the AT&T network sometime soon. So far the phones have only recently been made available, after several months of delays, over in Taiwan, Hong Kong and countries from that side of the globe.

No information has been given yet on a European launch but I expect it will be sometime this year. [Read more…]

LG GD910 Wrist Watch Phone Launching August 27

LG-GD910-Wrist-Watch-PhoneOrange have announced the official details of it’s launch of the LG watch phone (GD910). It will go on sale August 27th and cost £500 for pay as you go customers (non-contract). It appears that stock will be limited as Orange have restricted sales to just 1 per customer.

The GD910 will go on sale at 9am at the Bond Street store in London. If you can’t make it then sometime in September the LG watch phone will be made available in the Orange online store. [Read more…]

Palm Pre Store to Get Paid Apps Soon

paid-palm-pre-appsThe Palm Pre App store has had a very slow start. This should change now as Palm is about to allow paid apps in to the store.

By allowing paid apps in to the Pre app store it should tempt developers in to creating more apps and actually making the store a useful place to visit. [Read more…]

Garmin-Asus nuvifone M20 with Windows Mobile Launching

nuviphone-m20After many months of delays the Garmin-Asus nuvifone M20 is finally launching over in Taiwan. The Garmin-Asus partnership were launching 2 nuvifones with the other one being the G60 which ran a proprietary OS. The G60 was launched last month and now it’s time for the N20 which runs on Windows Mobile and is aimed more at the business user.

The nuvifone M20 features HSDPA, a VGA display, 3 megapixel camera and as can be expected, extensive navigation features thanks to the Garmin part of the partnership. [Read more…]

GPush brings Push GMail to iPhone

GPushGMail users currently cannot have their email pushed to the iPhone. According to TechCrunch, that is about to change (hopefully). I add the hopefully because the software to do this, named GPush, has not been approved by Apple as of yet. is now available for download at the app store.

The GPush application is very simple for the user and all the user has to do is enter their GMail username and password. Once that is complete then they never really need to look at the 99 cent application again (unless wanting to log in as a different GMail user). [Read more…]