Motorola DROID 2 Global Benchmarks Revealed

Recently, some pictures of the Motorola DROID 2 World edition were posted online. DroidLife who published those pictures now home some benchmarks and other details about the device.

The processor running inside is an ARMV7 and is clocked at 1.2GHz for this test. Its score was 1709 on the test which isn’t bad at all. Results below…

SDK version: 2.2

ARMv7 rev 2
Current freq: 300mhz
Max freq: 1200 mhz
Min freq: 300 mhz
Cores: 1

Total: 488700 kB


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HTC HD7 Windows Phone 7 Captured on Camera

Some pictures of the HTC HD7 (or perhaps the HD3) have been posted online. The reason we are not so sure of the name at the moment is that it clearly says HD3 on the back of the device although earlier reports and documents leaked from O2 and other places indicate that the new Windows Phone 7 device will be called the HD7. It could be that this particular prototype is an early model before they changed the name of it.

The device its self looks just like the HTC HD7 drawings found on the web a few days back.

Either way, we know that the device above will run Windows Phone 7 and will be a step up from the popular HTC HD2. Hopefully this time around though, people wont want to remove Windows Phone 7 in favour of Android like they did with Windows Mobile 6.5 on the HD2. [Read more…]

Samsung Captivate GPS Fix Incoming

Samsung has announced that a fix for the Samsung Captivate GPS problem is going to be pushed out within the next few weeks.

The problem that is in all Galaxy S class smartphones is the GPS that is often miles out in terms of how close it can track you. The fix should fix this problem for Captivate owners.

For others who want the fix, ie those who use other variants of the Galaxy S class smartphones, it appears that you’ll need to wait a little longer to get the update. [Read more…]

Apple to build CDMA iPhone in December

Apple [AAPL] could start building the CDMA version of the iPhone 4 beginning in December this year. Apple Insider is reporting that the company will be getting 3 million of the said handsets ready for a launch in early 2011.

Analyst Jeffrey Fidacaro with Susquehanna Financial Group said in a note to investors on Wednesday that checks with overseas suppliers indicated Apple is prepared to build 3 million CDMA iPhones in December, keeping the device on track for an early 2011 launch. That would put total GSM and CDMA iPhone production for the quarter at between 21 million and 22 million.

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DropBox Updates Bring New Features to iOS, Android and BlackBerry

DropBox is a very handy service that allows you to easily transfer files and documents between your desktop and a mobile device. When you drop files in to the folder on a desktop the file is automatically synchronised to an online service which the mobile apps can then sync with and grab files such as PDF’s and photos as and when needed.

Over 2 million users are now using the service. The API the DropBox also uses has enabled over 100 mobile apps to utilise the services also. [Read more…]

Redsn0w Also Jailbreaks iOS 4.2

Redsn0w 0.9.6b1 generally supports iOS 4.0 and iOS 4.1 for jailbreaking. We also hear today from Musclenerd on Twitter that it can also jailbreak iOS 4.2 beta 1 if you point it at the 4.1 ipsw.

Since some will try it anyway: this redsn0w will also JB 4.2beta1 by pointing it at the 4.1 ipsw, but it’s *very* broken (flickers, etc)

Although it does jailbreak iOS 4.2, reading the above message shows that you probably don’t want to use it right now due to the flickers and other various problems. As it was described as “*very* broken”, we think you should just leave this alone for now if you have installed the latest beta of iOS 4.2 on your iPad. [Read more…]

iOS 4.1 Jailbreak for iPhone 3G Released

Another jailbreak has been released for iOS 4.1. This time it’s the iPhone 3G and second generation iPod touch that can be jailbroke.

The iOS 4.1 jailbreak is called Redsn0w, which we have seen before. The tool has been updated and uses the pwnage2 DFU-mode that Redsn0w used on earlier versions.

The Redsn0w jailbreak tool is currently available for the Max OS X although Windows users will need to wait a little longer to be able to use the jailbreak tool. [Read more…]

T-Mobile G2 Pre-Orders Opening Up Soon

T-Mobile is getting ready to launch the new G2. The exact T-Mobile G2 release date is not known at the moment although some images sent in to Tmonews reveal that the pre-orders are starting up soon.

It is expected that the G2 will launch sometime mid-October with the 16th particularly being thrown around at the moment. As for pre-orders opening up, we expect that T-Mobile will do that in the next few days. [Read more…]

HTC Desire Z Release Date Getting Closer

Amazon has a habit recently for changing prices of products. The Samsung Galaxy Tab has been one device where the price has dropped from a hefty £799 down to £680 and finally down to £599 although the release date has shifted further away.

For those wanting a new HTC Desire Z smartphone, the release date on Amazon has actually moved closer and the price has also lowered giving a bonus on both fronts.

Previously the Desire Z had a release date of October 18 with a price tag of £499.99. We now see that it has changed to October 11 and now has a price tag of £429 which is good news for all interested. [Read more…]

HTC Desire HD Video Uploaded

HTC has uploaded an official video to YouTube, in HD of course, that shows the new Desire HD in detail.

The video starts by showing the design of the new smartphone such as the casing and the features of the screen along with the 8 megapixel camera and flash.

The video is about seven and a half minutes long and the majority of the video is used to demonstrate the various aspects of the software such as how web browsing works and how they have changed it a little to speed up the way we browse the web. An eBook reader app is also displayed. [Read more…]

Samsung Intercept Android Phone Landing on Virgin Mobile

The Samsung Intercept Android based smartphone will be landing on Virgin Mobile soon here in the UK. The Intercept hasn’t been priced yet in the UK and the release date is also unknown.

Sir Branson’s brand says:

The question of an Android coming to Virgin Mobile has been a hot topic lately here on Facebook. Well, we’re happy to confirm that our next handset launch will be the Samsung Intercept. Check out the photo below, get excited, & stay tuned over the next few weeks for more information!

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Gmail App Update Arrives in Android Market

Google [GOOG] has released a new Gmail app for Android smartphones. The new update separates the app from the core code of Android which means that Google can provide updates to the app rather than users having to wait for a new Android build to be released.

This particular version though is for Android 2.2 devices only which rules a fair few out such as the G1 and many other handsets. However, if you are running 2.2 then you can grab it now from the Android Market. Phones which do run Android 2.2 include the Nexus One, HTC EVO, Motorola Droid 2 or Motorola Droid as well as the Droid X today and a few more we might have missed.

For those who have a G1 and run the Android 2.2 build (the mod from Cyanogens team) then you might be able to get it although we haven’t had a chance to test this out yet. [Read more…]