This wilting flower concept is an idea that uses a plant to show you just how much electricity you are wasting. The idea behind this energy saving device is that you do not pay attention to how much electricity you use, but you do keep an eye on your plants. By using a plant it helps you to keep a keen eye on what is wasted in the home. [Read more…]
Wilting Flower Reminds of Wasting Power
Personal Mover – A 4 Wheel Segway Copy?
This concept device reminds me of a Segway, but with four wheels. It is called a Personal Mover and allows you to travel short distances. Basically, it’s just another lazy way of getting from A to B. [Read more…]
LMac Touch Concept Idea
The LMac Touch is a concept idea designed by Mayyan Chan. The idea behind it is to get a fab looking screen which is great to look at, but also great for the environment. The LMac Touch has solar panels embedded on the back of the screen to help compliment the power from the wall socket. [Read more…]
Flat Bulb
Light bulbs often have the problem that they can easily roll away and break if you are not careful. The flat bulb tackles this problem by being flattened out. [Read more…]
Double-Layered LCD Screen
The idea behind this concept display is to give the viewer depth to the movie they are watching. The screen achieves this goal by being a double layered LCD screen. By making a slight adjustment to the image displayed behind, the user will get a sense of depth to the images. [Read more…]
LawnPC – Green Computing
The LawnPC is the latest attempt to bring people’s attention to greener power. A designer named David Veldkamp has designed the LawnPC to have more of a green theme. [Read more…]
The Bloodhound Project – 1000MPH
The Bloodhound project is a three year mission lead by Richard Noble that will see a landspeed record of over 1000MPH set. The car, named the Bloodhound SSC (super sonic car) should be capable of Mach 1.4. [Read more…]
Concept Phone – E-Ink
This strangely cool looking phone is a device that uses E-Ink and no buttons to make a Nokia Aeon look-alike phone. Of course it wont be a surprise that this phone is just a concept. [Read more…]
Sony PSP2 Concept Design
The Sony PSP2 hasn’t been spoken of too much around here, but no doubt Sony will introduce it one day in the future. A designer named Tai Cheim has created some concept designs that look very good. The idea behind them is to use a flexible screen that changes to being rigid when rolled out so that you get a nice large flat screen that can be stored in little space. [Read more…]
Nokia Touch-Based Communicator
The Nokia Communicator has always been a bit of a brick. The idea was great, but I felt it never looked quite the part. Recently, images of a new touched-based communicator have been floating around which appears it might actually be worth looking at. [Read more…]
All Screen Laptop Concept – The Brick
Yves Behar has designed a mockup / concept design of what the “brick” project could look like. The concept shows a full all-screen laptop device which has been called “A hybrid iPhone-meets-Macbook-Air that would put hot netbooks like the EeePC to shame.” [Read more…]
Dirt to power LEDs
It has been said that the way forwards is either being powered by the sun or powered by the wind. That might not be the case though with this new idea that has been put forward. The latest idea is to use dirt (house hold garden dirt) to create power from. The idea of being powered by dirt is not too new as it was mentioned a few months ago but it seems now that this idea will be put in to practice in places such as Africa. [Read more…]