The Rim Clock is designed to look simple but yet, stand out in a unique way. The weird thing about this clock is that the “hands” are on the outside. The hand which is shaped like a point shows the minutes, while the rounded hand represents the hours. [Read more…]
Rim Clock puts time on the Outside
Nokia Concept OLED Laptop
Another concept device from Nokia shows us what laptops could really look like in a few years time. This new design is built like a scroll with a flexible OLED screen. With it being OLED it provides a very bright and colourful image for the user making it great for watching movies. [Read more…]
Hitch a Ride – Concept Idea
I think I perhaps found one of the craziest concept ideas that I have ever come across. Hitch a ride is a concept device which involves a belt and three vacuum suction cups. What Hitch does is allows you to take a running jump, backwards, at a car, van or anything else that moves and firmly stick your self to it to “Hitch a Ride”. [Read more…]
Lego Brick Color Changer
Imagine building a Lego set up and realising that you have 1 red brick left but actually need 1 blue brick. This concept idea explores the idea of using a brick color changer which allows you to attach the Lego brick, click a button and see the color change right before your eyes. [Read more…]
How to Board a Train while it’s Moving
When a train travels, one of the biggest problems is that the train has to stop and start again at each and every stop. This causes problems in two ways. First off, the journey is slowed right down as the train stops for several minutes and then has to wind back up to full speed only having to stop again shortly after. The second problem is the energy used to get a train moving. It is more efficient to let a train run as long as possible with out stopping. An idea that has been invented (which is an amazing idea) is to allow passengers to board with the train moving at full speed. Dangerous? That would be a big YES if passengers were to use the regular doors as it could lead to a tad too many people being hurt. But this fancy new idea makes things look a lot safer while keeping energy usage as low as possible and keeping journey times faster. [Read more…]
Camera designed for the Blind
When I first read about a camera designed for the blind I was immediately interested as it just seemed like an odd few things to put together. However, after you read what this camera does you will be amazed at this little concept idea that could do very well. [Read more…]
Train Capsule Lets you Ride Alone
This new concept named the “Capsule Train” gives each person their own bit of space for travelling. The train is has a couple of different types of capsules available with the space for individuals to travel, or groups of 4 on the larger capsules. The train is designed by Hamit Kanuni Kiralkan who is based in Melbourne, Australia. [Read more…]
Plica Concept Phone
The Plica is a new mobile phone concept which combines two screens which work as a touch keyboard and touch screen. When opened up, the screens touch in the middle allowing for a large working space to be used. The device also folds both ways so that you can close it up and have the screens on the insides for transport or have the screens on the outside so you can use it as a regular iPhone type phone. [Read more…]
TX54 – Fingernail Display
A number of fancy watches have been displayed on the pages of Gadget Venue. Usually they are binary type watches from Tokyo Flash, or ultra expensive watches. This latest watch is a concept idea that embeds on your fingernail. [Read more…]
The Future of Internet Search
Mobile internet devices in the future could look just like this concept. The idea behind this concept is that you have transparent screen which can capture what you are looking at. By using image recognition it can then tell you what you need to know about the object or surrounding areas. Take a plate of food for example [Read more…]
Folding Bike – Back Pack Bike
A new concept idea has recently been unveiled which shows a folding bike that can double up as a back pack. The flimsy looking bike weighs just 5.5 KG and is 60cm in length. [Read more…]
Sens Phone Concept
The Sens phone is a concept idea which was designed by Takumi Yoshida. It is different to most other cell phones in that it has no screen. [Read more…]