Yesterday I had to have a quick medical check for insurance purposes. I noticed the nurse was writing as normal but kept tapping on a piece of plastic from time to time on her clipboard. When I asked what this was for she said that the pen was recording all writing, transmitting it to a device in her bag which automatically sent it to the company she represented so that they could immediately process my insurance application. A few seconds later a message was delivered to her blackberry saying that all was good. Of course I had to look in to this as I thought it was amazing that all her text and my signature was now somewhere else in the country (or world even) and yet she was still sitting in the same room as me and I had barely given her the pen back just 30 seconds before.
Having a quick search around I noticed a few different pens one of which is from a site called PegaTech. The Mobile NoteTaker is one example of a digital pen which can capture what you write on an actual sheet of paper. We all have to admit that writing is often easier then trying to get your pocket PC’s transcriber understand your text. The NoteTaker is a portable device which captures your handwriting. The process is very simple and does not require special paper. Just get the pen and write on to what ever and have it recorded on to a device that is small enough to easily fit in a bag or pocket. Once back in the office you can transfer the text to your PC to organise and share with others. The device has the ability to store 50 pages of text and confirmation of what you have is displayed on an LCD screen on the device.
This is an excellent device for someone who wants a digital copy of what they write, but still wants to write on regular paper. Of course the business user can also benefit from this device as I mentioned above.
The pen is available from PegaTech and costs $189 for the mobile version of this device.