Darth Vader Alarm Clock

Waking up is often a difficult task for some people. Maybe having a Darth Vader alarm clock next to you might solve that problem. This one can project the time on to a wall or ceiling and is visible night and day. The snooze button doubles as a night light so you can read under a glowing lightsabre (its not real ;)). The Darth Vader clock will set you back $29.99.

Via: huhwow


This crazy thing is called the WheelSurf which is a large wheel you sit in and roll around. There is no steering or braking and it works on gravity. Just find a hill and you are rolling. The video is quite funny towards the end when one of them kind of wipes out.

Via: RJ3SP

1.6180339877 – The Golden Ratio

Compasso Leonardo Genio
You may or may not be familiar with the number 1.6180339877. It is the golden ratio or Phi and all related in some way to Fibonacci who calculated this ratio. A lot of things around you use this ratio such as a credit card and even your own body. Anyway, the point of this post isnt to explain what the golden ratio is.

This device pictured above uses the ratio of 1.6180339877. It is built of stainless steel, measures 175mm x 78mm and is adjustable. It will allow you to make the perfect or golden ration sized objects.

Via: here

SNiF Tags – Social Networking for Dogs

SNiF Tags are designed to be attached to your dog and then they allow you to monitor your dogs activity, who they meet, who his friends are, who he meets of your own friends and what not. There is an online interface which allows you to track the dogs exercise routines and the data is kept so you can analyze and see if your dog is getting lazy. When the dog meets another dog with a tag it then shares the info with you.

Also details of the owners are exchanged when the dogs are in range and this allows you to contact the dogs owner, share info and make new friends. It does this all with the custom built radio communications protocol.

Via: SnifLabs

Audio Shaker – Shake your Voice up

The Audio Shaker is a device which captures noise such as your voice, claps, dog barks or anything else. You then shake up the container and pour out the jumbled up sound. You can choose to pour out just a few words too, or even add more to them to create a different sound. I guess the point of it all is that you pour out the sound and then interpret what the meaning of life is or something :S I have no clue to be honest.

Via: Nurons

Custom Laptops

Custom Laptop Typewriter
If you want to spruce up your laptop a bit and done care about the warranty being made void then a custom spray job might be in order. Gen-x-pc offer full custom paint jobs such as the one above. For a 1 colour paint job you are looking at $185 for the lid stepping up if you want extras doing such as the bezel or around the keyboard. The full details can be found over on X-gen-pcs site over here.


Cool Mobile Phone Projector

This projector is Texas Instruments Pico Projector and it looks quite cool. It can project a 15 inch screen on to a wall and also in to a well lit room. It works by shining tiny red, green and blue lasers on to a micro mirror in a similar way to how DLP works. To save on power, the later versions will use LEDs. The good news is that this technology is not far away and we could expect to see some mobile phones with built in projectors sometime next year.

Via: PopSci

LED Boomerang

boomerang LED
The Scimitar is created with Foam and has LEDs embedded in to it. This allows some cool light effects to be created when throwing the boomerang around. The image above is of Eric Darnell who has been building boomerangs for a long time.

Via: Popular Mechanics

Build your own Lego iPod Dock

Lego iPod Dock
If you do not want to fork out cash for an iPod dock then check out the Lego version. Most people will have lego kicking around their home and will be easy enough to make. instructables show you how it is done.

The good thing about a Lego iPod dock is that you can design it any way you want, change colours and basically do what ever you like.

Crazy Death Star Cinema Room

Death Star Theatre
This cool looking star wars theatre was built to look like the death star control deck. The design includes C3PO and Bobafett. It took 36 months to build. Two entrances can be found which have back lit floors to either the left or right followed by automatic sliding doors. A secret door can be found behind Han Solo who is stuck in carbonite. In that room you will find an extensive video and audio collection. All the equipment is kept out of the main room next to the media room. In the cinema its self there are 3 rows of seats, a fiber optic star field, and 22 feet of space from the back wall to the screen.

Via: Electronic House and SlashGear

Nano Case

Nano Case
These cool iPod Nano cases are built from old reclaimed cassette tapes. The inner parts, ie the tape and spools are taken out and the iPod sits in there nicely. All they need now to do is hook up the tape sensors and shove it in the front of your stereo and you have an all in one iPod to cassette deck player. We can only hope 😉 Each case costs $45 CAD plus shipping. I guess it wouldnt be too hard to make your own if you wanted though.

Via: 45ipodcases

Hasselblad H3D II Digital SLR

The Hasselblad H3D II Digital SLR is a mean looking camera. The range boast 22, 31 or 39 megapixel CCDs with prices starting at 17900 Euros. The display is a bright 3 inch screen which allows for better viewing of images, but also uses less power consumption allowing you to get more pictures taken. Many features on the camera are controlled via menus on screen by using a thumb control. Just looking at the pictures of the camera make it look amazing. It would be interesting to see some pictures taken at the full 39 megapixels resolution.

Via: Letsgodigital