USB Cooler for your Seat

usb butt cooler
The USB butt cooler is another one of those crazy USB gadgets which comes from the other side of the world. It is basically a USB cushion that you put on your chair which blows cool air upwards keeping you cool in the office through the summer.

Via: FunniestGadgets

Super Mario Bros on the iPhone

An NES emulator has been created for the iPhone although, as can be seen from the video it doesnt look too playable. Hopefully those little bugs can be ironed out to bring it to the speed we all want. As well as being able to load up the emulator, of course there are a lot of games such as Super Mario Bros, Metroid and Zelda. The controls are used on the touch screen which also emulates the NES controller.

I do like the look of this, and if they can get it to run a bit faster and iron out some quirks all should look great.

Via: Wired

Mental RC Helicopter

RC Helicopter flys at great speed

This RC helicopter looks like it is hyperactive. It uses some motor that can be heard being named the super motor on the youtube video above. As can be seen in the video it can fly in all directions at a very quick rate. It seems like the rotor blades are twisting rapidly to change direction so quick as it wouldnt really be possible to stop the blades and spin them in the other direction that quickly.

If you do know how this RC helicopter flys in different directions so quick then post a comment 🙂

Fingershield Safety – Stop Trapping your Fingers

The Fingershield is a safety device which wraps around the part of the door where the hinges are located. The safety device prevents children and adults from trapping their fingers causing severe damage and sometimes a loss of fingers. From what I learn on the fingershield site the amount of force per square inch on the closing hinge area of the door can be up to 40 tonnes… thats a lot of force on your fingers.

Having trapped my own finger in a door within the last year, I know that it hurts and this device can easily prevent any harm from being done due to shielding the dangerous areas. More details of the fingershield can be found over at Fingershieldsafety site.

Lego Computer running Kubuntu Linux

Lego PC
The Lego computer was made from an old Dell Dimension 2400 which was laying around Jeremy Duenas’ house. He decided to strip it down and build it back up in a case made of Lego. The Lego PC runs Kubuntu Linux (due to him not wanting the XP Pro overheating the plastic Lego bricks). The idea is excellent and very unique. I like how there is a bridge in there and a Lego man sitting in a control centre. Top marks for effort there!!

28 more images of the Lego PC can be found over at Jeremys Blog.

Rocket Man Suit

Rocket Man Suit

Rocket Man Suit lets you fly through the sky

Yves Rossy has been flying on wings for a number of years. From what information I can gather it seems like he has now created a jet powered wing to strap on his back and fly around. It has 4 jet engines on it. This particular wing seems to have been damaged around April and is currently being repaired. For now, here are some pictures to enjoy of this wing and what it is capable of.

Rocket Man Suit Empty

Rocket Man Suit Flying

Via: Jet-Man and Monk

Watch iPod Remote Control

iPod Watch Remote

Timex Ironman iPod Remote Control

Timex have created the Ironman watch which has the ability to control your iPod. It works by using a 2.4GHz dongle attached to the iPod. With the watch you can perform various features including skip, play and pause. Engadget unboxed one recently.

I think the watch actually looks quite impressive and I do hope it will perform well.

Via: tuaw

Home Made Ray Guns

Ray Gun

Home Made Ray Guns

Inspired by Clayton Bailey, someone has built about 15 or so ray guns out of spare parts such as BMX stunt pegs, stove hot plate handles and a ton of other bits and bobs around the house. The pictures of these home made ray guns can be found at Flikr and are worth checking out.


115db Bicycle Horn


Very Loud Bike Horn

The thunder horn was designed to help the cyclist be heard when you are getting in his way. It gives out a noise at 115 decibels which is louder then the average car horn and just slightly quieter then a Jet Plane. The recommended specs say that you shouldnt use this with in half a meter of someones ear due to it causing damage.

The thunder horn costs $12 from Brando.

Via: GadgetGurus

Container Ship Power Supply

The container ship power supply is a prototype which measures 20 x 3.5 x 5 inches and has a metal chassis covered in rubber. The reason it was built was to show what is done each time a container ship goes over to another country full of 9000 40ft containers. As can be seen, the different PSUs plugged in to it form the towers on the ship with the trailing cords showing the wake.

Via: giffintermeer

Carpet Skates – Slide around the Office


Low Friction Skates that work on Carpet

Sliding around a smooth floor can be quite cool when you just have your socks on. However, when you get to carpet it just doesnt work. The Carpet Skates from ThinkGeek are set to tackle this problem. The pair of skates strap around your shoes and in under a minute you can be skating around the office at high speed. Ridges are built in to the front under your toes to allow you to have some friction while gaining speed for the ultimate slides. Carpet skates can accommodate shoe sizes up to 14 US mens and work on various carpets. For a video demonstration follow the jump below.

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Cool Gorilla Talking Phrase Book


iPhone Translator

If you own an iPhone then the cool gorilla is something you might want to check out should you be travelling in to Europe. Cool Gorilla is a web based app which is very simple and provides translations into six languages for popular phrases which you might need while travelling. To use the application you just need to browse to on your iPhones browser and tap away through the menus. When you select the language, category and phrase you want you have the option to tap on the screen and have the iPhone speak the phrase for you.

It would be cool if they could eventually translate your voice on the fly while talking, but thats a fair few years off yet. For now, you will need to make do with the cool gorilla translator to help you out of tough situations.

Via: CoolGorilla