High Speed Camera – Water Balloon Explosion

Water Balloon Explosion
You may have seen those videos captured of a bullet recorded with cameras running a number of times faster. The results of seeing objects explode is quite amazing. In this instance, a water balloon is exploded with a pin and captured by a high speed camera. The video is then slowed down by a factor of 80 times to reveal some very cool shots. Check out the full video after the jump.

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Flexible Sony OLED – Video Demonstration

Flexible OLED
A few days ago I wrote about a new Sony OLED screen which had been announced on the Sony JP site. I had a question at the time about the response time of the screen and what video would look like. This morning I came across a nice video over at youtube which demonstrates the OLED screen being flexed around while playing video. The results are quite amazing. Just a quick reminder of what this screen actually is and then the video follows after the jump. The OLED screen is sealed in plastic rather then glass like other OLED displays. This allows for it to be flexible. The main reason glass was used was to prevent moisture getting inside and damaging the components that make OLED screens work. The screen on the video has a resolution of 120 x 160 pixels with a pitch of .318mm. The diagonal on the screen is 2.5 inches.

Video after the jump.

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Sony Ericsson W999i

Sony Ericsson W999i
Checking over at hothandset they mentioned the almost confirmed Sony Ericsson W999i. Sony have not officially announced it apparently though. There are no specs at all and all we do know is what we see in the image above of the phone which shows it as a slider phone with colour screen and with it being a W range phone it will be a walkman phone.

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Palm Bluetooth Keyboard

Bluetooth Keyboard
This keyboard connects to your palm device via bluetooth. It is compatible with a variety of their handhelds as well as some smartphones. The keyboard has 5 rows of keys which are a fairly decent size. It also folds in half so it can be stored or kept in your pocket. At the back of the keyboard is a small stand which allows you to rest your device on so you can easily see the screen while typing.

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Hand Crank Emergency Radio

Hand Crank Emergency Radio
If you are the type of person or family who want to be prepared for emergencys then this radio from Grundig would suit well for situations where no power is available. To power the radio you just use the hand crank. 90 seconds of winding the handle will give you 1 hour of radio. This is ideal for situations where you are stuck in an emergency or just out in the middle of no where with no power. As well as being a radio it has a light, cell phone charger, weather alert, can tune in to various frequencies on the AM and FM bands and also it can act as an emergency siren to catch peoples attention.

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Pay As You Go iPhone

The iPhone will be launching soon as you are all probably be aware. It will be available on a 2 year contract and still cost a huge 500 – 600 dollars depending on which model you go for. There are now rumours circulating saying that a Pay as You Go version will be made available. I dread to think what that might cost, but it will mean that the phone is not under contract with a provider which allows for more freedom. Now if someone could unlock one of these things that would be impressive.

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Sharp Shooting Remote Control

Sharp Shooting Remote Control
When our family first got cable TV I was amazed at how many channels were available. I grew up with just the 4 and then a fifth came along when I was about 18. Next we had 30+ channels and unfortunately the TV was still full of boring stuff, and a lot of repeats too. The sharp shooting remote control aims to allow you to vent that frustration by pointing it at the screen and shooting it. By doing this you will change the channel. Shoot away till you find the channel you want. The remote control is compatible with most TVs. It has 1 button on the trigger which you pull. To re program this to do something else you just point your TV remote control and press a button. Pulling the trigger then just repeats that function over and over till you change it to something else.

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New Sony Flexible OLED Screen

Flexible OLED
Sony have unveiled an OLED screen that is flexible. OLED displays tend to be made out of a sealed glass which protects the materials inside from getting moisture on them which can basically kill them. Sony managed to create the screen on to a plastic which allows it to be thinner, lighter and bendable as seen in the image above. The screen is a full colour display also. The prototype is has a resolution of 120 x 169 with a .318 mm pixel pitch. I do not have details on how quick the screen can update (refresh rate) but this is certainly interesting to see this kind of technology appearing.

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PQI ReadyBoost DOM for Vista

PQI are taking a unique but kind of weird approach to the ReadyBoost function of Windows Vista. The DOM (Disk on Module) is an internal solution that attaches direct to a USB port on your Motherboard. Coming in 4 sizes of 256MB, 512MB, 1GB and 2GB it allows you to use the performance increasing solution. I do not see the full benefit of this device yet other then freeing up a USB port on the outside of the case. Its a strange idea to have to open up your PC, put the ReadyBoost DOM in place and then remove it when you are done. Thats of course unless I am missing something here. I think most people will opt for a USB flash drive that can be easily removed from the front of the PC.

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Starwars USB Flash Drives

Starwars USB Flash Drives
Mimobots are designer USB flash drives which are shaped in to tiny characters from popular films. The latest are a set of Star wars USB Flash Drives which come in 1GB, 2GB and 4GB capacities and look GREAT! 4 characters are available for the Star wars series which are Storm trooper, R2-D2, Darth Vader and Chewbacca. As well as being cool looking flash drives, they also come bundled with some bonus images, wallpaper, avatars, icons and trailers. Pic of Darth Vader after the jump.

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Tetris Fridge Magnets

Tetris Fridge Magnets
Tetris was a classic game in its time and still is if you have some spare time on your hands to play it. These tetris fridge magnets are built in the same 4 block set up as the original tetris. They dont fall down your fridge though and cannot be played, but they are a cool reminder of what types of games you might have grown up around. For $9.95 you get the 7 blocks that the game was originally played with.

Product Page

Battery Free Wireless Mouse

Battery Free Wireless Mouse
Wireless mice are great. I used to get so fed up of the wire on the mouse getting trapped behind something. The problem with wireless mice is that occasionally the battery runs out right when you are in the middle of something important and you havent charged up the extra set. This mouse is different and uses induction to power the battery less wireless mouse. It draws power from an electric field generated by the mouse mat which gets its power via the USB connection.

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