787 designed by BMWs Designworks

BMW Designworks 787
Above you will see a seriously nice designed interior for the Boeing 787 plane. It was designed by Designworks and shows off their capabilities as designers. As can be also seen is the glass floor featuring a BMW parked below. For more pictures of the sleek design check out the link at the bottom of this blog. The images show features such as a cinema which uses the wall of the plane as the screen. The plane is multi level and hosts a bar, conference room and much more.

I have no idea if this plane will be made, but I could imagine some rich dude could request one from BMW designworks. Unfortunatly for me it wont be me who puts in the request 🙂

Via: AutoBlog

Palmsize Helicopter – RC Living Room Flyer

Palmsize RC Helicopter
Tiny RC helicopters are great fun to play with. The main one you are probably aware of is the Picoz which came out late last year. The palmsize helicopter looks to be slightly smaller then the Picoz and it capable of being fully controlled. The helicopter can be turned left or right as is slowly moves forwards. It can also take off right from the palm of your hand. This is a perfect toy for those like me who like toys in the office.

The helicopter comes in 2 colour which are red or silver and each has a different frequency which allows 2 helicopters to be flown together. Luckily the helicopter is light enough not to actually break when it crashes.

The remote control is infrared, so you need to be in line of sight to use it although you would be stupid attempting to fly a helicopter you couldnt see. Attached on the front is a Multi colour LED for night flying. The helicopter is supposed to be flown indoors but can fly outside if there is ZERO wind. I did try an indoor helicopter once outside and smashed it with in seconds because of ignoring a zero wind rule 🙂 For 15 mintues of charging you can get around 7 minutes of flying time… so maybe you need to purchase 3 to keep one in the air constantly.

Via: ThinkGeek

Belkin Network USB Hub

Belkin Network USB Hub
Belkin is set to release a network USB hub which allows you to connect to USB devices wirelessly. The hub makes it appear that the USB device is right there connected to your machine. This type of hub is very handy for those networked type of devices like printers as the built in Linux software allows certain readouts from the printer to be passed to the machine connected wirelessly. The hub features 5 USB 2.0 ports with 2 of them mounted on the front and 3 on the back of the device.

The Belkin Network USB Hub will be on sale in the US in June for $130 with the UK version following a little later.

Via: RegHardware

Channel Bonding ADSL – 144Mbps

Channel Bonding
Channel bonding is a method used in networking to increase reliability or increase throughput on a connection. By combing 2 or more channels of data together you can reach faster speeds, or decrease downtime due to the second channel taking over when the first dies. Ambit Broadband have released information on their channel bonding cable modem which allows you to connect 3 ADSL connections to it allowing for a current maximum download speed of 144Mbps and a maximum upload speed of 30Mbps. This is a nice increase on the standard low XX speed figures we are used to seeing. Just remember that you will need to update your network if you want to achieve these speeds as a number of Ethernet ports are still limited to 100Mbps although newer connections can accept up to 1Gbps.

Hanaro is currently the only ISP who will be accepting this ADSL modem. Hanaro is a Korean ISP. With this technology unleashed you can no doubt expect it to hit this side of the world in some shape or form. The speed is there… but lets hope the infrastructure can keep up with it.

Via: SlashGear

Blueant Supertooth Light

Blueant Supertooth Light
For those of you who are regular users of hands free kits in cars you will be familiar with how difficult it sometimes is to hear with traffic noise, road noise and the speaker often in a hidden place in the car which muffles the sound. The Blueant Supertooth Light has technology built in to cancel background noise allowing you to heat the conversation more clearly. The video on youtube also suggests that you can hear this device with the windows down which is interesting to hear. The device it’s self is portable and can hook on to your sun visor allowing close proximity to your mouth for the built in microphone to pick up your voice. As the name suggests, this device is Bluetooth too and allows you to connect directly to your phone.

The device is powered by a lithium-ion battery which allows for 15 hours of talk time and 33 days of standby time which makes this device excellent for portability. To add to that you can charge it with the in car charger which makes it an even more attractive option.

Other features of this device are voice dialling which makes this device more usable while on the road and it can be paired with 5 devices.

Playstation 3 EyeToy

Playstation 3 EyeToy
For those who have used a Sony EyeToy you will either love it or probably hate it. I happen to think they are cool and a great laugh on the multi player games as it ads a different dimension to games. The EyeToy is now coming to the Sony PS3 and the specs have also been boosted a little to match. The camera is USB 2.0 and can capture 120 frames per second at 320 x 240 and 60 FPS at 640 x 480. This isnt bad at all for the camera and should allow for some nice interactivity with games. As well as having a nice frame rate the camera also has digital zoom and also has the ability to capture images with either a 56 or 75 degree field of view.

One last feature that we know about is that it is supposed to work in lower light conditions which is handy to have as light can kill the eyetoys ability to capture movement if it’s way out. Unfortunatly no prices yet, but it should be out later on this year.

Via: TechEBlog


Vonage Permanent Injunction

If you are unfamiliar with Vonage and the recent court order put on them which forced them to stop taking on new customers. This has now been reversed and Vonage are now accepting signups to their services. I am not sure where this will go as it is unlikely to be the end of the main problem which happened over a patent, but as far as things go now, business is as usual.

Via: SlashGear

MBR-501A Portable Satellite Broadcast Receiver

This satellite receiver is an amazing looking device. It is named the MBR-501A and is capable of 4 hours of watching while receiving and 7 hours of recorded videos. The device has an SD card slot which currently allows up to a 2GB card to be inserted allowing for 9 hours of video to be recorded. The screen is a QVGA TFT screen which has a 320 x 240 resolution. Audio is produced through the mono speaker on the device although when docking the device it allows you to connect it to your stereo to play the audio.

I am interested in taking a look at this device to see what the quality of the Satellite receiver is like and what exactly it can pick up. It will be priced at just short of 20000 YEN.

Via: Coolest-Gadgets

The PowerMonkey

Having power to your mobile gadget is essential for the traveller. I have personally run in to times where my phone or PDA ran out of juice when I needed it most. The Powermonkey it a battery storage solution which allows you to run your gadget after its battery has run out. The power output of the powermonkey is what caught my attention as it is capable of keeping an iPod running for 40 hours. A mobile phone can be kept powered for 96 hours with a PSP powered for 5 hours.

Costing $59.99 from ThinkGeek you are getting a very handy device which can hold its charge if un used for a year.

Via: UberGizmo


Griffin AirDock

Griffin AirDock
Griffin have launched the AirDock which doesnt look too shabby. It is white and quite a small package. From what I read over at Fosfor, the remote control uses RF rather then infrared thus allowing you to change tracks in another room without line of sight. It costs $70 which is still a little too much in my book, but for it to have the RF remote control it might win a quite a few people over.

Via: Fosfor

Spycatcher Tape Recorder Blocker

Recorder Blocker
If you are the paraniod type who think you are being recorded then check out the Spycatcher tape recorder blocker. It exploits a flaw which audio recording devices have. The human ear is only capable of hearing certain frequencies, but the microphone can pick up even the lowest of frequencies. All you need to do is play some very low range audio below human hearing and it apparantly destroys the recording. This is due to it drowning out the normal hearing range of frequencies. It apparantly works over the phone too, although I am not convinced with this due to wondering what would be heard on the other side. If the device drowns out other frequencies then how can the other hearer receive those drowned out frequencies?

Unfortunatly I do not have a spare $4500 to buy this device so might have to resort to borrowing a frequency generator and calling a friend to see if he can hear me while my sub kicks out some seriously low tones.

Via: Wired

Shinshoku from TokyoFlash

The guys at TokyoFlash launch some seriously interesting watches and this latest watch is no exception. It is named the Shinshoku and is a continuous stainless steel band which wraps around your wrist. Holes have been put in the band allowing for several colours of LED to shine through which some how show the time. 3 versions of this watch are available with the 3 colour LED watch being the easiest to read. The other options are all red or all green LEDs. To tell the time you will see that the watch is divided in to 3 sections. The left shows the number of hours, the right lower shows the quarter past marks (15, 30, 45) while the upper right is the minutes with in the quarter past marks.

Its a crazy but kind of cool looking watch which has animated effects when wanting to see the time. It is available from TokyoFlash and costs around $114 which isnt bad.