While writing this post I find myself realising that I’ve already written a fair amount on the whole ‘3D’ thing. But this new avenue to view our TV programs and play our games seems to be all the rage at the moment and rightly so. [Read more…]
Call of Duty: Black Ops will now be playable in 3D
Demo Confirmed For Duke Nukem Forever
To wet your appetites even more as to the coming of Duke’s latest shootem-up outing, it has been confirmed by the publisher 2K that a demo of Duke Nukem Forever will be arriving shortly prior to the game’s release (though the date for release is still very much subject to change at present) in the form a free membership certificate for the Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club inside every copy Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition. [Read more…]
Enslaved: Odyssey To The West: Preview
From the creators of Heavenly Sword (which really showcased what the PS3 was capable of) the developers from Ninja Theory have brought us ‘Enslaved: Odyssey To The West.’ After playing only the demo so far, this game is already set to do very well in the charts over this last quarter. [Read more…]
Little Big Planet 2 Delayed Until January 18th
For me, ‘Sackboy’ has become the new mascot for Sony’s PS3. He’s the star of the hugely successful Little Big Planet wherein you were pretty much free to do more or less anything you wanted and allowed you to fully customize you own sack boy (or girl) with a myriad of various costumes from Metal Gear Solid to Killzone 2, from Street Fighter to God of War or even create your own.
If It’s Not Sony’s, It Could Explode
Its exactly as the title suggests… If it’s not Sony’s, it could explode. This is regarding Sony’s press release about counterfeit playstation controllers.
Sony have stated that a number of controllers, that “identical in appearance to genuine PlayStation 3 wireless controllers,” have begun to sprout around the market. The company have also said that the “quality, reliability, and safety of counterfeit products is uncertain.”
PS3 Blu-Ray 3D Support Now Here, Amongst Other Things
Well its finally arrived, the long awaited PS3 Blu-Ray 3D support update is ready to download. Unfortunately, like we said in a previous post regarding this, you still need to have a 3D capable TV set in order to truly experience what this new update has to offer as well as the few games that are also available on the Playstation Network.
Once firmware version 3.50 has been downloaded you’ll be able to see for yourself what all the fuss is about… In 3D. [Read more…]
Playstation Move Now On Sale
Well its here, Sony’s much anticipated Playstation Move is now available. In an older post, we stated Move’s capabilities and potential.
If you shop at Amazon, $29.96 for the navigation controller, $49.99 for the Move controller, Camera at $32.82 and $99.99 for a starter pack which includes both controllers and a camera, seems pretty reasonable. [Read more…]
PS3 to recieve 3D Blu-ray support, Japan to get it first
During Sony’s press conference at the Tokyo Games Show, it was announced that it will finally release 3D Blu-ray support onto the PS3 from 21 September.
MOVing or KINECTing
With the advent of Sony’s Playstion Move and Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Kinect soon upon us, which will it be? Both have very different marketing strategies but both naturally want as many people to buy into these new little gadgets as possible. With Nintendo Wii being the dominant console over the last few years, with regards to its motion sensitive gameplay, can Move and Kinect really level the playing field or rise above it all with their all-new ground breaking technology soon approaching our living rooms? [Read more…]