SimCity for iPad is finally incoming. The full game title is SimCity Deluxe and EA will be bringing the previous iPhone game to the iPad within the next month or so. [Read more…]
iPad SimCity Deluxe Incoming
iPad Sets Record for Fastest Adoption Rate
When Apple [AAPL] first announced the iPad, a number of people said it would fail. However, the iPad has now launched and sales figures show that it was far away from being a failure in that 3.27 million were sold within the first three months of it going on sale.
It took just 28 days to sell the first million. Comparing this number to the original iPhone that took 74 days to sell 1 million, you get the impression that the adoption rate is high.
One analyst says that the iPad has the fastest adoption rate ever although this is based on some estimations. [Read more…]
FLUD iPad News Reader
FLUD is an iPad app that allows you to more easily read the news. The app pulls data from various websites and presents the information in a more easy to read layout. The layout uses large thumbnails that you can slide sideways to get to different stories. 3 or so rows of sites are visible on the screen, each with a scrolling news stream. When selecting the story the other thumbs move to the edge or bottom of the screen to load up the full story on screen. [Read more…]
Moleskine iPad and iPhone Cases Launched
A good number of iPad and iPhone cases are available. One of the ones we have been looking out for is the Moleskine iPad case. This particular case uses the regular Moleskine style covers and has rounded corners and a strong elastic band to hold it closed.
The Moleskine iPad case (and iPhone model) has a built in notepad that allows you to write paper notes whilst on the move if needed.
The features and style of both Covers are those of a classic Moleskine notebook: sleek rounded corners, strong elastic band, and the legendary smooth black cover. Inside, a lighter suede lining protects the electronic device against impact and scratches, alongside a Volant notebook with plain pages.
Boa Folia iPad Case from Booq
The Boa Folio is an iPad case that looks to do the same job as the official Apple iPad case. However, the Boa version looks a little nicer and has pockets on the outside and inside allowing you to hold documents and a smartphone in.
The incline on the case can be set at two levels allowing you to angle it a little higher if needed. This is something I particularly would find useful as the angle on the official iPad case is just a little too low and often reflects ceiling lights right back at you when at a desk. [Read more…]
Google Chrome OS on iPad Video Demonstration
Yesterday we came across a picture of an Apple iPad running the Google Chrome operating system. Details were a little sparse at that time other than knowing that to get iOS back required a full restore.
Today, Hexxeh has posted a brief video of Chrome OS being used on the iPad. The video is just 26 second in length, but does show a few features of the operating system being worked with. [Read more…]
iOS 4.2 Could Bring Tethering to iPad
It is widely believed that the iPad will never support internet tethering. The reasons for thinking this way is that Steve Jobs said it himself at an event.
However, the latest iOS 4.2 beta build (beta 2) shows things a little differently in that in the Cellular Data menu in the Settings app, there are clearly some options for setting up internet tethering such as an APN, username and password.
This particular iPad (screen shot below) is on the Three network in Europe, so perhaps the tethering options are region specific or perhaps even network specific. [Read more…]
Chrome OS Gets Ported to iPad
UK based hacker, Hexxeh, has managed to port Chrome OS to the Apple iPad. The image above shows the new operating system running on the iPad. Of course it could be a fake, but from what we understand, the hacker has a good track record with Chrome OS builds which makes us inclined to think all is actually OK.
The port to iPad required that the tablet be compromised, perhaps jailbroke but not confirmed, and once installed, the only way to get iOS back on to the iPad is to do a complete restore. [Read more…]
Future Gen iPad Design Spotted in Patent
It isn’t known just yet when Apple [AAPL] will launch a second generation iPad although April 2011 is touted due to it being the 1 year anniversary of the first iPad launch.
Some details of what the next gen iPad could look like have been uncovered in a patent application. The new patent shows an iPad with two dock ports (one on the long side and one on the short side) as well as a Smart Bezel that could be used for extra input on the tablet. The extra dock port would allow the iPad to be docked in landscape mode allowing movies to be watched while keeping it charged. [Read more…]
iWork Apps for iPad Get Updated
The iWork suite for the iPad has been updated to include not only bug fixes, but a bunch of new features too.
The applications that received updates include Keynote, Pages and Numbers which basically covers the whole suite.
Features included for the Keynote app include the ability to export presentations to the Microsoft Powerpoint format, the ability to copy presentations to iDisk or a WebDAV service. Audio is also included as well as more transitions and effects for creating a presentation. [Read more…]
Etch A Sketch iPad Case Launches
Many iPad cases are available to protect the tablet from getting damaged.
The next one is the Etch A Sketch iPad case that adds a unique look to the iPad. The Etch A Sketch case was previously made available, but it wasn’t official or licensed. This new version is an official and licensed version allowing you to transform the look of your iPad.
The case comes with rubber feet allowing it to be elevated whilst using it on a table. [Read more…]
Google Docs Editing Coming to iPad
There’s good news for iPad owners who want the ability to edit Google Docs documents whilst on the move, as Google [GOOG] is releasing Google Docs for the iPad that will allow documents to be edited and perhaps created.
This ability is already available in the web based version, but to be honest, it’s quite bad and jumps in to a basic mode where you need to click edit on each row to edit the data. It’s really not up to scratch and feels clunky and is frustrating to use.
It appears that the application is for the iPad only, but it could also include the iPhone and iPod touch as well at a later date. [Read more…]