The RoboDump is kind of a robot although it just sits in place and doesn’t move. It’s purpose is to rest on the toilet seat and just make strange toilet type noises. [Read more…]
RoboDump Office Gag
SteamBot – A Steam Powered Robot
This robot requires no electricity to run. Instead, it uses steam that is created inside it’s belly. To get it working you put water inside by taking it’s head off. [Read more…]
Anna Konda Robot Fire Fighting Snake
The snake you see here is named Anna Konda. It is a robotic snake that has the job of putting out fires. It measures 3 meters long and weighs a fairly hefty 75 kilos. [Read more…]
R2-D2 Whizzwatch
R2-D2 has been one of the most famous droids from the Starwars movies. We have seen R2-D2 projectors as well as many other R2-D2 items. The latest from firebox is a watch than can be used as a remote control to drive a mini R2-D2 around your desk. [Read more…]
Move over Scooba – RC Floor Cleaner
Cleaning floors has never been something that I actually enjoy, hence the reason I went and got my self an iRobot Roomba so I could vac the floor with just the push of a button. I could continue my lazyness by getting an iRobot Scooba to wash the kitchen floor, but this RC floor cleaner looks more interesting to me. [Read more…]
Walking Head Robot
Perhaps the most weird looking robot I have seen in a long time has just been created. The Walking Head Robot measures 2 meters across, has 6 legs and has an LCD screen on top showing the head of a human like person. [Read more…]
ApriPoko Robot Controlls Everything
The ApriPoko is a robot which can sense infra-red beams and each time one passes by it, the robot will ask what just happened. When you provide this information, you train the robot which stores the command and infra-red signal details to use at a later date. [Read more…]
Robotic Walking Chair
This chair costs ‚¬15K and puts it’s self in control of where you are sitting. It is a robotic walking chair which is built of steel tubes, plastic and is chrome plated. Built by designers Karl Emilio Pircher and Fidel Peugeot it makes for a crazy type of chair for your dining room table. Imagine having dinner with someone annoying and also having the ability to just push a button and have the chair take them away. Cool!
Via: SlipperyBrick
Water walking Robot
A team over at Carnegie Mellon University are working on a robot that can walk on water. It will work in a similar way that a Basilisk does in that it can dash across water keeping afloat. A prototype is still being worked on although test simulations are showing positive. It makes you wonder if taking a trip from Dover to Calais in the future will be made in a robot which “dashes” across the water rather then on a boat or in the channel tunnel.
Via: GizMag