Keeping an eye on your children at all times when out is essential for their safety. This digital wireless child tracker provides another step in helping keep your children safe. [Read more…]
Digital Wireless Child Tracker
Dual Screen LCD Display
This new dual screen LCD monitor setup from Samsung is an interesting concept. Two screens are supplied with the setup with the first primary screen measuring 22 inches while the secondary screen measures just 7 inches. [Read more…]
Surface PC to Arrive at AT&T Apr 17
A version of the Microsoft Surface PC will be arriving at AT&T stores on the 17th April 2008. [Read more…]
Windows Mobile 6.1 Arriving April Fools Day
Rumours are floating around about Windows Mobile 6.1 becoming available in just a few days on April 1st. Hopefully it isn’t an early April fools joke. [Read more…]
Mobile Phones to be Allowed on Planes
A decision has been made in the UK by Ofcom which will now allow mobile phones to be used on plane travel around Europe. The system will work with a base station located on the tail of the plane which will be activated after takeoff. [Read more…]
Smart Goggles help you find Lost Stuff
Many of you, if not all, have lost something. Quite often an item is misplaced and although you think you know where it is, it never is there. A new gadget has been created to work as you “minds eye” [Read more…]
InkJet costs 8000 USD Per Gallon
When using your day to day home printer you probably never calculated that InkJet Ink can cost you up to $8000 per gallon. I was shocked to read that. InkJet printers tend to be dirt cheap, next to nothing to buy these days and often it is the case that the printer is cheaper then the cartridges to fill it. Over the last few years I have heard complaints from some that little microchips are put inside the ink cartridges and if this is not present, or it has expired, then you need a new one. With crazy ink prices, no wonder the Ink Refill people are hard at work creating alternatives in this lucrative industry.
Jon Chase wrote over on PopSci that he has now thrown his printer away and uses online services to print his pictures out. After reading that it certainly makes sense as I for one, would not want to pay that amount per gallon of anything.
It’s interesting that a number of law suits have been filed around this subject by competitors, end users, refill companies and what not. Check out PopSci as it makes a great read on the topic.
Via: Fosfor
Nano Windscreen – No Wipers Needed
It car windscreen (or windshield if you are in the US) has been created on a car named the Hidra. Four layers of treatment are used to create the windscreen which keep it clean and eliminates the need for wipers to be used. The first layer of the system filters the sun out and repels water. Just under this layer is the second treated area which is built of nano-dust. This dust pushes the dirt to the sides of the windscreen keeping the main viewing area clear of dirt and debris. The third layer in the system senses the dirt on the first layer and activates the nano-dust as and when needed in the second layer. Finally a forth layer is needed to provide the electricity to power the whole thing.
The nano windscreen is not in production yet, but has already been installed on the Hidra Concept car and is a fully working example of what we might be seeing in the next 5 years.
Via: Crunch Gear
Hercules Mega Laser – Focus the Sun on a Grain of Sand
The Hercules laser has a ridiculous amount of intensity. As a comparison you need to picture a huge magnifying glass above the earth which would focus all the sun’s light to one grain of sand. That would almost represent what the Hercules laser is capable of. The Hercules laser takes up several rooms and contains 300 terawatts of power (which is 300 times the capacity of the US power grid). I personally found the TechLasers laser pen a tad crazy and not practical for every day use although it is very cool. So, you might be wondering what you would do with a 300 terawatt laser. It is able to focus it’s beam on to a 1.3 micron speck which is tiny. This may be capable of being used for medical reasons such as better ways to treat cancer and other complex things.
It works by using a titanium sapphire laser then bounces off a lot of mirrors and gets refracted, reflected and what not till it can focus the beam in to such a tiny space.
Via: SparkingTech
Microfibre Clothing that Powers your Phone
When taking your jumper off at night in the dark, it’s common to see sparks of static electricity that is generated. There is another way to generate small parts of electricity though by using a similar principle. Scientists at Georgia Institute of Technology have created microscopic wires that generate current when moving. The microscopic wires are bundled together and when movement occurs a tiny charge of electricity is created. A mixture of a lot of these can potentially create enough charge to power a device connected. The fibres are covered with zinc oxide nanowires which are extremely thin. Wires are split in to pairs where one of the wires is then plated in gold which then makes it act as the electrode. As movement occurs, energy is created.
How much power can be created?
Scientists suggest that 80 milliwatts per square meter of fabric can be achieved although they hit a problem when exposed to water. Plans to get around this problem include coating the gold plated electrodes to make them water proof.
This idea is excellent although from my personal opinion, I would be worried about walking around in the wet. Could 80 milliwatts hurt? Probably not although it would create a weird tingling sensation every time it rains.
Via: Technabob
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
The long awaited GT5 is still in production. But, GT5 Prologue has been created and will be available soon to buy in the US. There are a number of cars to choose from in this version of the game. The Japanese version comes with 37 vehicles to choose from and the US version could have up to 60 cars in this cut down version. As well as the fancy graphics and upgraded AI, the game also has the ability to download real time weather reports of all tracks around the world so you are driving in “real time” weather conditions. A video section is also included which allows you to watch video’s of cars and the making of GT5.
Vie GPS Enabled Glove
This rather strange looking device is named the Vie (pronounced Vee) and was designed by Mr. Du Tran Nguyen. Although it would look weird on anyone’s hand, it does have a few cool features built in. The screen is E-Ink and you control the device by moving your fingers up and down. Small motors built in to the glove provide feed back to let you know when you have “clicked” a button.
The Vie is used as a personal guide and trainer and allows you to plan several routes with it’s built in GPS and mapping technology. If you find danger on one route you can make a movement with your finger and find a safer alternative. If you find your self in trouble then an SOS message can be sent.
The glove monitors your body too and lets you know through vibrations if you need to ease off a little or speed up. Bluetooth allows you to connect with other glove users to share details with them.
Although a bizarre idea, it could have some potential if they could make it look a tad better.
Via: Gizmowatch