Cool Cufflinks

Cuff links often come in different shapes and sizes from basic metallic squares, to spirit levels and now over to Lego bricks and Storm troopers. The Lego versions are 2×2 Bricks which come in a variety of colours.

The pins are silver plated making your shirt cuff’s look different to the average guy next to you. The Lego cuff links are available from Etsy and cost just $14.99.


The Storm trooper versions feature a storm trooper helmet attached to gold-plated pins. These should definitely be used by those of the dark side although don’t worry if you are not in that category as no one will stop you buying them 😉 The Storm trooper cuff links are also available over at Etsy and cost $19.99.

Via: Geeky-Gadgets and GeekAlerts


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