CrunchPad Could be here this Month!

The CrunchPad was mentioned on gadgetvenue a few months back where at that point, it was still in prototype form. Today we hear that the CrunchPad is almost ready and will probably be launched in either late July or early August.

The New York Times have reported that it will be priced at less than $300 which is quite amazing!

The CrunchPad will be a low cost internet browsing device where you simply sit back and read your favourite blogs. No keyboard is included although a large touchscreen QWERTY keyboard is built in to the software. The device boots directly in to a web browser and has limited controls although there is a USB for attaching a keyboard if needed.

When we get an official release date we’ll let you know.


  1. Go Doodads says

    cool! I wish I could have this pad! so neat and nice!

  2. Apparently the specs are more than enough 🙂 12-inch screen, 1.6Ghz Atom processor, 1GB of RAM, 1 USB port, WiFi, 3G for optional mobile broadband (apparently leaked). Seems good enough to run ubuntu, so now its needs to be ported, and you have a mini tablet pc (internet, word processing, etc).

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