Holiday Inn is soon to start trials where smartphone users will be able to use their devices to unlock their room at a hotel.
The system will be tested in June at Chicago O’Hare Rosement and another Holiday Inn at Houston, Downtown Convention Centre.
The system being tested comes from a company called Open Ways. The hotel had looked in to RFID before, but favour the technology that Open Ways offers what allows virtually any smartphone to unlock a door with an application. The software will be available for iPhone, BlackBerry and Android devices.
The tests performed over the next 60 – 90 days will be mainly to see if the system works in that at midnight when people get to their rooms, they are not rejected. Also security is an issue in that how easy could it be to hack open a door by using a modified application. Also an issue of people not having to check in at a desk could cause issues in that the hotel and visitors would lose touch.
Check out the video below that shows the system in action.
Via: Switched
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