iPhone 4S Production Slows Down Due to Possible Shortages or Low Sales

A new report indicates that the iPhone 4S might not be doing as well as initially thought. Although the iPhone 4S had record sales at launch, it seems that after that, sales have dropped down as Apple is believed to have cut production for the next quarter down by 10 to 15 percent.

Although the reports hint at sales not performing as well as expected, there is also the problem of the Taiwanese flooding which also might have caused some shortages. Several supplies are believed to have been contacted and asked to slow down production on certain components such as the lens for the camera. This could either be because sales are lower, or that some key components are suffering shortages due to the flooding and that Apple [AAPL] is balancing production a little so that too many of a particular part are not made.

We wont know for sure as Apple is unlikely to announce that there are problems with production or sales.

As well as the iPhone 4S being cut in production, if indeed a true report, we also hear that the iPad 2 is being cut back a little as well due to short-term market saturation.

Either way, if you want an iPhone 4S then the wait time is 1-2 weeks in the UK with the iPad 2 shipping same day. In the US, the timings are identical to the UK (1-2 weeks iPhone and next day iPad).


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