iPhone Lie Detector – iPolyGraph

iphone-lie-detectorFor $3 you can purchase the iPhone Lie Detector… it’s ideal for those paranoid sort and is a piece of software that lets you basically grill someone to get the truth.

If that got you excited then unfortunately it’s not quite that cool… the iPhone Lie Detector simply tricks those being tested in to telling the truth by pretending to know if they lie or not. The interface asks the user to place their finger on the screen sensor… once done you ask a question, trick them in to thinking that it’s real and then hit the analyse button. It then tells them if the truth is being told although it is all made up. Should it cost $3… maybe.

Product Page Via: GeekSugar


  1. Gadget Sleuth says

    Just a gimmicky piece of fluff, nothing more. The kind of software that gives iPhone software a bad name.

  2. wootmeister says

    Maybe so, but man I’ve had some great laughs using this on people. It’s no serious app that’s going to give you the answers to the questions of the universe, that’s for sure, and yeah it is fluff, but for the few bucks I paid for it, I’ve had plenty of value for my money.

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