iPhone on Orange Coming Soon – O2 Loose Exclusivity

o2-uk-lose-iphone-exclusivityOrange have just signed a deal with Apple that will now let them sell the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3G S. Orange will be selling them in the UK before Christmas.

This is a great move as a number of people haven’t been too pleased with how O2 handle customer service. Also there have been a few network issues where coverage is concerned and people say they haven’t been able to get the best coverage on the O2 network. Hopefully Orange’s network will prove to be better on that front.


As of now the prices and official date they will be available are not known, but for those interested in picking up an iPhone on Orange you can register your interest over here.

Orange at the moment do have the largest 3G network in the UK, so signal and connectivity should be less of a problem than it was with O2.

The full press release can be found here.

Via: Geeky-Gadgets

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