iPhone Panorama Feature Found within iOS 5 Code

When iOS 5 was first announced one of the rumours surrounding the event mentioned a panorama option in the camera that would be coming. This didn’t happen when iOS 5 was released although we hear that the code is still within iOS 5 and is fairly easy to modify to activate it.

Below are a couple of screen shots showing what the interface looks like. In the camera app it appears just below the settings where you enable HDR and the grid.

When tapping the button you are presented with a window layout on top of the live image which instructs you to sweep the camera from left to right after using the shutter button to activate it. A screen shot of how the captured image looks can be found below.

Although the interface and result doesn’t look ready for release, it appears that Apple will be adding the feature in an update within iOS 5, perhaps 5.1 or 5.2. It is unclear which devices will get it, but we hope that any iOS device with a camera will be included with the update.

Of course, Apple could just scrap the idea and pull the code out of iOS 5, but it all depends on if it works well enough.

To activate it now here are the instructions:

1. First, you should access the com.apple.mobileslideshow.plist in the iPhone (you will need to have developer access for this or a jailbroken phone).
2. Then, change the value of EnableFirebreak to Yes.
3. Done. A Panorama button will now appear when you click on Options, displaying a special interface to capture photos in succession, matching them to create the panoramic photo.

An app will be coming to Cydia to activate it for you. No details of when that will arrive though.


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