Microfibre Clothing that Powers your Phone

microfiber_powerWhen taking your jumper off at night in the dark, it’s common to see sparks of static electricity that is generated. There is another way to generate small parts of electricity though by using a similar principle. Scientists at Georgia Institute of Technology have created microscopic wires that generate current when moving. The microscopic wires are bundled together and when movement occurs a tiny charge of electricity is created. A mixture of a lot of these can potentially create enough charge to power a device connected. The fibres are covered with zinc oxide nanowires which are extremely thin. Wires are split in to pairs where one of the wires is then plated in gold which then makes it act as the electrode. As movement occurs, energy is created.

How much power can be created?

Scientists suggest that 80 milliwatts per square meter of fabric can be achieved although they hit a problem when exposed to water. Plans to get around this problem include coating the gold plated electrodes to make them water proof.


This idea is excellent although from my personal opinion, I would be worried about walking around in the wet. Could 80 milliwatts hurt? Probably not although it would create a weird tingling sensation every time it rains.

Via: Technabob

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