New Apple MacBooks on Sale

If you tried to visit the Apple store today you might have found that it was closed down. This was due to some changes being made to the MacBook specs and pricing. Three new models on display are the…

The 2.0 GHz, 13-inch white MacBook, 80GB – $1,099
The 2.16 GHz, 13-inch white MacBook, 120GB – $1,299
The 2.16 GHz, 13-inch black MacBook, 160GB – $1,499

As can be seen above, the prices now start at $1099. This features an Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 1GB or memory. The screens are 13 inch wide screen and they come with various hard drives which are upgradeable to 200GB which should be plenty for your on tour travelling.

They come with Bluetooth which is built in as well as AirPort Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi which allows for up to five times performance at twice the range of the first generation machines.

I recommend that you check out their product page to see what they have on offer as they are some fairly nice changes. Well worth the investment if you are out looking for a MacBook.

Product Page Via: Fosfor

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