An interesting article went live at the Android Developers website yesterday called “It’s not “rooting”, it’s openness “. What this is referring to is the ability to customise Android based smartphones as users with rather than forcing them to break in to the device.
The post at Android Developers was inspired by a comment made at Engadget that said “Nexus S has been rooted, let the madness commence!”. A comment then went to say that Android security was bad and that’s why the Nexus S was rooted so quickly.
Android Developers disagreed by saying…
The Nexus S, like the Nexus One before it, is designed to allow enthusiasts to install custom operating systems. Allowing your own boot image on a pure Nexus S is as simple as running fastboot oem unlock. It should be no surprise that modifying the operating system can give you root access to your phone. Hopefully that’s just the beginning of the changes you might make.
So there you have it. Google want you to be able to customise your smartphone as you wish.
One of the problems comes with carriers who want their Android phones locked on to a network. Android Developers comments that users have to occasionally choose to unlock by other means of finding a security hole.
It’s certainly an interesting article to read and well worth checking out over here.
Via: Droid Life
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