Popular Science has been around for a long time, perhaps 125 years according to what Gizmodo says. The above image, larger below and full size over on Flickr, shows covers of 100+ years of the magazine allowing you to see how basic it was in the late 1800’s to how colourful it is these days. [Read more…]
Popular Science Image Shows A Century of Magazines
Metropolis II Race Track for 1,200 Toy Cars
Check out this crazy looking track. It’s called Metropolis II and is a custom build road system that can carry 1,200 cars at a time along with 13 toy trains. Around the tracks is scenery built from Lego.
Each of the 1,200 cars has been custom designed. The track starts by lifting 5 rows of cars up a steep hill and then letting gravity bring them down to the bottom of the track where they get lifted up again. [Read more…]
Amazon Black Friday Daily Deals
Amazon has a bunch of new deals ready for today in the Amazon Black Friday run up. The first deal starts at 6:45am PST followed by 7:45am, 8am, 8:45am and onwards throughout today.
Not all deals are known at the moment, but some upcoming deals that are listed include 60% off Pinnacle SUB-SONIX 10 inch subwoofer, a deal on the 160GB Apple TV and on to a deal on the Asus A52F-XE2 15.6 inch laptop. Savings are not known on the latter two. There’s 4 other deals listed but right now they are just listed as “Upcoming Deal”. These should be revealed closer to the launch time.
All deals for Black Friday at Amazon are listed over here. [Read more…]
ASUS Eee Note is the New Name for Eee Tablet
Back in May, ASUS announced a few new tablet/ebook reader/notepad style devices that had slightly confusing names. One of them had an eInk display and it was called a Tablet.
It seems that to bring the naming schemes back in line with what the products actually are, ASUS has decided to give that particular device a new name. The device will now be called the ASUS Eee Note which better reflects the product you actually are buying. [Read more…]
Sony Reader eBook App to Launch on iOS and Android
Sony has announced that it will be launching a couple of new reader apps. One is being built for Android OS based smartphones and the other is being built for iOS based devices. Each version of the app will be launching next month in time for Christmas.
It appears that the apps will work in a similar way to how the Kindle app works on these devices in that once you purchase books from the Sony Reader store, you’ll be able to download them to the app on the devices that run it. [Read more…]
Confirmed: Angry Birds 2 is Coming
Rovio, the company who makes Angry Birds, has confirmed that a sequel is launching soon. The Angry Birds 2 sequel will be launching on consoles as well as Facebook.
The news comes from CEO Peter Vesterbacka who said at the Virtual Goods Summit that Angry Birds 2 will surprise people and that they want to make it bigger than Tetris. [Read more…]
Google Chrome OS Release Date Set for This Year (Beta)
The Google Chrome OS release date has been set at “this year” for a while now, but with the end of the year getting close, you might be wondering if it will actually launch.
To add to this confusion, Eric Schmidt recently said that it will be available in the next few months. TechCrunch questioned this by asking “will it still be this year” with the answer coming back as “yep!”. [Read more…]
Virgin Media Public WiFi Could Launch Soon
Virgin Media is looking at options to roll out public WiFi across the UK to ease the burden placed on mobile phone networks. In recent years, perhaps since the launch of the iPhone, mobile phone networks have had to cope with far more data usage than ever before. With Twitter, Facebook and other popular websites being accessed on the go, the burden isn’t going to lower any time soon.
What Virgin Media plans to do is launch WiFi in those locations where data might not be at its best. The system will work by installing a wireless router in locations near the Virgin Media green boxes. These will allow users to connect right up to the cable network for broadband access at speeds up to 5MBps. [Read more…]
Apple Giving Away a Free iPad to 100 Followers
This is something we didn’t know till now. There’s a Twitter account for Apple [AAPL] called AppleIncNews.
The account says it’s the official twitter account showing official news from the company Apple. The account has been active for most of this year (since the iPad was announced at the end of January) and currently has 63,459 followers as of the time of writing this.
On June 25, AppleIncNews had this to say… [Read more…]
Motorola Olympus Tegra 2 Smartphone Pics Emerge
The photo below shows what could be the Motorola Olympus Tegra 2 smartphone. It was sent around the tech blogs recently and the pictures show a smartphone that has a smooth front panel, large screen and a possible front facing camera.
Although it cannot be confirmed as the Olympus, if we go with the thought that it is then from what we understand it will have Bluetooth 2.1+EDR and dual band 802.11a/b/g/n WiFi. [Read more…]
Google Docs Now Connects with Microsoft Office
Google [GOOG] has announced integration between Google Docs and Microsoft Office. What the new integration does is let you edit your docs with Office and then have them all synced together. This lets you use a familiar interface rather than having to learn the Google Docs interface.
The integration comes in the form of a plugin for Microsoft Office which is called Cloud Connect. Cloud Connect is free to install and use and is compatible with Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Each time you hit save on a document, spreadsheet or presentation, the updated info is synced to Google Docs. If you need to share a file with someone, you can just email them a Google Docs link to use. [Read more…]
iOS 4.2.1 Jailbreak Downloads Now Ready
It is now possible to Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 thanks to the latest Redsn0w update that launched a few hours ago. This jailbreak comes with a warning or 2 though such as recommending you jailbreak iOS 4.1 first so that you save SHSH before updating. This is quite a stern warning saying it will be needed in the future. Hopefully you didn’t rush and update to 4.2.1 just yet.
Also a warning that unlockers should stay on iOS 4.1 is given on the iPhone Dev Team website as the current baseband on 4.2.1 cannot be unlocked just yet.
As for the iOS unlock, the Dev Team suggest that an unlock will be available for the 3G and 3GS by the end of the week. [Read more…]