Android Market Share Jumps to 25.5 Percent

Gartner released some numbers showing the 3rd quarter sales of various smartphones listed by OS. Top of the list is Symbian that took 36.6% market share. Android followed just behind that taking 25.5% with iOS following at 16.7 percent.

These numbers indicate a huge growth for Android which in the same quarter of 2009 was at just 3.5% market share. [Read more…]

Samsung Galaxy Tab AT&T Prices Revealed

We just mentioned that Verizon is now selling the Galaxy Tab. We also hear today that AT&T will begin selling the Tab soon, perhaps on November 21 if the images above and below are to be believed.

Price wise, it looks like the Galaxy Tab on AT&T will be priced at $649.99 without a contract. The data plans look to be the same as those that are available for the iPad with the option of 250MB for $14.99/month or 2GB for $25/month. [Read more…]

Samsung Galaxy Tab Now at Verizon

Yesterday saw the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Tab on the T-Mobile network in the US. Today, its time for Verizon to launch the Galaxy Tab.

Price wise, the Galaxy Tab on Verizon is $599.99 although this is before tax and you’ll also need to consider getting a data plan to use the data connection which will add another monthly cost (as well as line activation fees). [Read more…]

Wi-Gear Not Purchased by Apple

Rumours went around the web the other day (as they do every day), about the Bluetooth Headphone maker called Wi-Gear being purchased by Apple [AAPL].

Wi-Gear CEO, Mark Pundsack had just two words to say about the whole thing… “I wish!”. [Read more…]

Free iPhone Apps Fill One Third of Top-Grossing Apps Charts

About a year ago, Apple [AAPL] started up the in-app purchase features. What this does is allows developers to create apps for iOS based devices and then let you purchase add-ons whilst in the app. An example could be extra levels of a game or more transactions in a financial package to name a few ideas.

GigaOM decided to have a look at the top 100 grossing apps today to see what was there and after checking through the list, they found that 34 apps out of the 100 were listed as being free and managed to be added to the top 100 grossing apps due to the in-app purchases that they allowed. Just a quick glance on the screen shot above shows that the top 5 contains 2 free apps. [Read more…]

Windows Phone 7 Stock Shortages to be Resolved Soon

Just yesterday, analysts indicated that Microsoft had only shifted 40,000 Windows Phone 7 smartphones at launch. At that point, we were left wondering if this was due to lack of interest or shortages.

Microsoft has now responded to questions asked and have now indicated that the reason for the lack of sales was indeed, not having enough stock available at launch. [Read more…]

Steve Jobs Says AirPrint Has Not Been Pulled

In the past few days some details/rumours about AirPrint support in iOS 4.2 being partially pulled went around the Internet. The original rumours hinted at AirPrint not supporting printers shared on a Mac or Windows computer which left many reporting that only five current printers from HP would actually be compatible with the service. One upset user of MacRumors emailed Steve Jobs to see what was going on…

Q: As a release-day purchaser of an iPad, I was elated when you revealed iOS 4.2 would support AirPrint. Now comes reports AirPrint support has been pulled from 4.2. Between announcements/assurances of the white iPhone, and now the pulling of AirPrint, is Apple going to lose credibility and become known for announcing “vaporware”?

A: AirPrint has not been pulled. Don’t believe everything you read.

[Read more…]

Mac OS X 10.6.5 Update Rolled Out

Apple [AAPL] has pushed out a new update for those running Max OS X Snow Leopard. The new update can be found by clicking on the software updates menu option. The download is 680.1MB in size although this may be different depending on your machine configuration.

The update brings a number of enhancements in the way of stability, compatibility as well as security on your Mac. The full update details can be found below. [Read more…]

PS3 To Outsell Xbox 360

It might be a little hard to believe for die hard Xbox fans but according to EEDAR (Electronic Entertainment Design and Research) analyst Jesse Divnich’s predictions, by 2012 this may well be the case.

Arguments for and against each console seem to envelope many a gamer’s forum. Some differences between the two are slight where others are blindingly obvious such as Blu-Ray vs No Blu-Ray for example but nevertheless, it seems Microsoft and Sony both have reason to be happy for themselves as both have seen good growth in their own unit sales throughout this last year.
[Read more…]

Over 1,000,000 online gamers – Call of Duty: Black Ops

Rather astonishingly (depending how you look at it) Treyarch, the developers behind the latest Call of Duty game, have, at the very least, over 1,000,000 reasons to celebrate today.

That’s the number of online multiplayer gamers registered on Xbox LIVE as of 0900 hours GMT. [Read more…]

Skyfire Browser for iPad Coming Soon

The Skyfire browser allows users to play flash content on iOS based devices. Skyfire is a proxy browser that uses backend servers to convert flash based video in to the HTML5 format on the fly and deliver it to the browser.

What this allows users of the software to do is watch flash video on the iPhone or iPod touch. In a recent Tweet, Skyfire has now announced that the iPad version will also be coming soon. [Read more…]

RIM BlackBerry Playbook to Cost Less than $500

In a recent interview, RIM indicated that the new BlackBerry Playbook tablet would be priced at less than $500 when it launches in the US in the first quarter of 2011.

The 7 inch tablet was announced recently along with a rough launch date estimate although up till now, no prices have been known. We still are yet to get an exact price, but what was said is that it would be very competitively priced at below $500. [Read more…]