The LG Prada 3.0 has leaked. The phone below shows what LG will reveal later on today at an event in London. The device is built by LG with input from Prada. It has a dual-core 1GHz processor along with a 4.3 inch NOVA display that has a WVGA resolution.
Apple Hires iOS 5 Concept Designer
Apple [AAPL] is always looking to improve the UI on it’s iOS devices. Although what they have created works well in most cases, there’s always room for improvement. Each time we see a concept UI idea, particularly from Jan-Michael Cart, we always think there’s plenty of room for improvement.
Good news is that Apple has hired Jan-Michael as an intern for seven months. Jan-Michael has created a number of Youtube videos that show some simple design tweaks to make iOS a little better.
Google Majel to Tackle Apple Siri
Google [GOOG] is believed to be working on a new voice system for Android. The system is codenamed Majel after the voice of the Federation computers on Star Trek. Majel is the next step in voice support for Android devices and will follow on from Google Voice Actions. Rather than just repeating set instructions such as “Sent text to fred”, Majel will follow more closely with Siri and allow certain variations so that more natural language can be used.
Microsoft Brings SkyDrive to the iPhone
Microsoft [MSFT] has launched SkyDrive for the iPhone. Prior to the release of the app, the way to access it was through the HTML5 site at in the browser. Now that it’s an app, it makes the experience a little better.
Evernote Skitch for Android Hits 3M Downloads
Evernote has announced in a blog post that Skitch for Android has hit 3 million downloads. The app launched a few months ago which Evernote points out is a download every 1.5 seconds.
Microsoft Updates OneNote for iOS and Brings it to the iPad
Microsoft [MSFT] has launched an update for OneNote on iOS devices. Before the latest update (version 1.3) the app had been restricted for use on the iPhone and iPod touch. The new update now brings OneNote to the iPad although the app isn’t universal which means you’ll need to install the iPad version for the iPad, rather than the same version for both devices.
LunaTik Touch Pen for Tablets Kickstarter Project Launches
A new project has started on Kickstarter. This time the product being built is the LunaTik Touch Pen. The new pen is designed to work on both the iPad (and other tablets) as well as paper.
Web Version of Android Market Gets Updated
Google [GOOG] has updated the web version of the Android Market to include a few new handy features. The first, pictured below, allows you to filter app reviews based on devices that are connected to your account. This will let you more easily spot if a particular app has a bug for your particular device.
TAB Rest iPad Cushion with Wrist Support Launched
Since the launch of the iPad it seems that a large number of people now use an iPad while watching TV. This could be for browsing, gaming and emailing. A new tablet cushion has been created that props up the iPad a little and makes viewing and typing a little more comfortable.
BBC iPlayer for iPhone Launches
The BBC has launched iPlayer for the Apple iPhone. The iPad version has been available since earlier this year and has already seen around 1.5 million downloads. The latest update that launched today now adds universal support to the app so that it works on the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.
As with other BBC content, the app is free and allows those in the UK to catch up with a number of channels. The app has been designed to allow watching content over WiFi as well as 3G if desired.
Apple Mac App Store Hits 100 Million Downloads
Apple has announced that the Mac App Store has just hit a milestone. The company has commented that over 100 million downloads have occurred on the app store which launched less than a year ago.
The App Store was originally launched on iOS devices and quickly became popular on the iPhone and then on the iPad. Over 500,000 apps are available which have been download 18 billion times since launch. This number now averages around the 1 billion downloads each month. The Mac App Store works on a similar principle in that you use your Apple ID to log in with and can find apps from various categories to download on to your Mac.
Samsung Sales Hit 300 Million Units in 2011 – Biggest Year Ever
Samsung managed to sell over 300 million handsets this year. This is up from the 2010 figures which were around 280 million. This is the best year Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd has had in its entire history.
We also learn that the record was beaten before the end of last month.