Search Results for: clock

Gun O’Clock – Shoot your Alarm Clock

gun-o-clockThe Gun O’Clock is an alarm clock that requires a shot to hit the bullseye to shut it up. [Read more…]

Blue LED Mesh Clock – TokyoFlash

mesh-clockAs soon as you see the name TokyoFlash you probably think crazy watches… this time it’s a crazy clock that has been created although it’s not that crazy and looks very cool. The Blue LED Mesh Clock is the name of it… more after the jump. [Read more…]

Recycled Harddrive Clock

recycled-hard-drive-clockA bunch of random clocks can be found all over the web. We have written about a lot of them here at gadgetvenue. This latest is hacked together using an old harddrive. [Read more…]

Hanging Alarm Clock

hanging-alarm-clockThe majority of alarm clocks just beep away and allow you to hit snooze and still sleep in. Over the last few years alarm clock makers have been getting more creative by creating loud explosions or by having the alarm clock run away. The Hanging Alarm Clock follows this pattern by running away from you “up towards the ceiling”. [Read more…]

The Pin Clock

pinclockYou will remember the Pin art toy which you pushed your face against the back of it and then the pins would match the contours of your face and represent it in pins on the front. This new gadget clock uses this principle to make the Pin Clock. [Read more…]

POV Clock

povclockThe POV (persistence of vision) clock is an amazing looking wall clock which uses a bank of LED’s which rotate around so fast that the image created looks like a solid image. The spinning blade which contains the LED’s can display in red, green and blue making it possible to get full colour images. [Read more…]

Space Invaders Alarm Clock

space-invaders-alarm-clockSpace invaders is a classic game that many of you will remember. This clock (the Space Invaders Alarm Clock) allows you to be woken up by an alien invasion each morning. [Read more…]

Rim Clock puts time on the Outside

rim-clockThe Rim Clock is designed to look simple but yet, stand out in a unique way. The weird thing about this clock is that the “hands” are on the outside. The hand which is shaped like a point shows the minutes, while the rounded hand represents the hours. [Read more…]

Exposed Flip Clock

exposed-flip-clockA number of ways of telling time are available such as a sun dial, pendulum clock, digital clocks and watches. The latest clock to appear is the Exposed Flip Clock which looks extremely unique as it’s innards are exposed for all to see. [Read more…]

Slide Rule Clock

slide-ruleA Slide Rule was a gadget used back in the 50’s if I remember correctly and was basically an old fashioned calculator which you slide the rulers around to work out complex equations. The Slide Rule clock is basically a modern version of the slide rule that is now used to tell the time. [Read more…]

Verbarius Clock – A Simple Clock

verbarius_clockThe Verbarius clock makes telling time simple. It’s the exact opposite of Tokyo Flash watches which require a degree in maths to tell the time. The Verbarius simply tells you what time it is like “midnight” or “four-forty-five”. [Read more…]

Pill Shaped Clock

pill-shaped-radio-clockThe Pill shaped alarm clock was designed by Pascal Barde who works at the Sequoia Studio design company. The gadget is currently a concept idea and is designed to look like a pill, although looking at the video below it does seem larger then an actual pill [Read more…]