TechLasers 125mW Green Laser Review

I was contacted two weeks ago by TechLasers asking if I wanted to review “the coolest and most powerful laser you have ever seen in your life! :-)”. Of course I agreed and a few days later an Infinite 125mW Green Laser was posted through my door.

Before I continue, I must stress that the Infinite 125mW laser is not a toy and those using it should take proper precautions and act according to the law. Also note that most red dot laser pens you get on the market for about $20 rate at around 5mW. You can see how powerful the Infinite 125mW will be – yes… it can actually burn things.

Infiniti Series

The Infiniti series laser pens come in various versions running from 15mW to 125mW. As the laser steps up in power, you will see more can be done with the pen. The 125mW version is capable of the following… Laser beam dot is visible, Laser beam is visible at night, Laser beam is visible in day light, Can burn holes in black plastic, Pop black or dark balloons, Stings bare skin, Light matches, Can burn/cut black electrical tape, Melt rubber and some plastics.

Infinite 125mW

The Laser Pen

The laser comes in a nice presentation box. On opening the box you find the laser pen which looks very sleek. It is almost completely black with the exception of gold coloured ends and a gold clip. The warning sticker on the end lets you know not to look in to the path of the beam and to use with caution. The laser pen uses 2 * AAA batteries to function which can keep the device powered for about 3 hours. Considering that they are AAA they are more readily available then the usual button cell batteries most laser pens use.

Indoor Testing

Indoor Green Laser

This photo was taken indoors with the lights off. As can be seen the green laser beam can clearly be seen as well as the dot which pretty much lights up the whole room. One thing to be careful of is hitting mirrors or anything reflective as it doesn’t do your eyes any good. Using this laser is like having star wars in your living room. It honestly is seriously cool.

Outdoor Testing

Outdoors Laser Pen

Although this picture is not too clear (I will take another one tomorrow evening), you can clearly see the green laser beam right in to the sky. Tests show that you can shine a dot on an object a long way from you. I will get measurements this weekend and get more demonstrations of it’s sheer power uploaded.


TechLasers sell some seriously powerful laser pens. Everybody who has seen it has been amazed at it’s power and what it can do. If you are looking for a decent powerful laser pen then do check out TechLasers.

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