Verizon Sold 2 Million iPhone 4 Units Last Quarter

The 3rd quarter 2011 results posted by Verizon show that the iPhone 4 has done particularly well. It was announced that they saw two million iPhone 4 smartphones sold within the 3 months of the quarter. Remember that this is the iPhone 4 and not the 4S we are speaking about here. Moving on to the iPhone 4S, specific numbers were not provided but it did comment that sales were extremely strong at launch and that they are still struggling to get more stock to satisfy demand.

In total, Verizon sold 5.6 million smartphones with over half of them running the Android operating system. Total new connections on the Verizon network are 1.3 million with 882,000 of them being retail postpaid customers. Total connections for Verizon now stands at 107.7 million.

For those interested in numbers from AT&T, they announced earlier today that they sold 1 million iPhone 4S units since launch and that over half of its postpaid customers have a smart device.


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